December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hello everyone!

Today I'm writing the last post of 2011. 
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Thank you so much for reading this blog.
We'll be back next year!
I hope Santa gives you many gifts.
And, once again, thank you so much for reading our blog.

See you in 2012!

December 01, 2011

Holidays - Exercises


Like I said, today you'll answer some exercises if you read those posts about Holidays:
Como eu disse, hoje você responderá algumas perguntas se você leu os posts sobre Feriados:

Which holiday are we talking about?
1) This holiday is one of the most magic holidays. We can see people smiling and kids waiting for their presents. It celebrates Jesus's birthday.
Independece Day

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I hope you like it!
Espero que goste!

See you!

November 25, 2011

Holidays - III

What's up?

Today I bring you the third part of our class about holidays. Pay close attention to it if you want to answer the future exercises about it.

The Independence Day is on July 4, a day for picnic and patriotic parades all over the US and this holiday honors the USA's birthday. There are concerts and fireworks.
In Brazil, it falls on May 1, but in the USA, it's on the first Monday of September. It's the Labor Day, a day to honor the working people of the nation. For some people it's the end of the summer vacation season and the school year begins.
In Brazil, on September 7, 1822, D. Pedro de Alcântara de Bragança proclaimed the independence of our nation. It's the Independence Day. There are parades all over the country and fireworks. Some people like to go to the beach or places like that on this day.
Columbus Day is a federal holiday celebrated on the second Monday in October. This day commemorates when Christpher Columbus landed in the New World on October 12, 1492.
On October 12, too, in Brazil, is the day of the patroness of the country, Nossa Senhora Aparecida. This is a very important day for catholics, because Nossa Senhora Aparecida is Jesus's mother, but they idolize images, but I'm evangelic.
In October we have the scariest holiday. It's Halloween, October 31. The best thing of it is when people dress up with funny or scary costumes and say "Trick or Treat". It's so funny!

On November 2, in Brazil, we have a day when we go to the cemetery to visit the graves of people who we loved but are dead... It's called Day of the Dead or All Soul's Day.
Veterans Day falls on November 11. This day was established to honor americans who have fought in World War I, but today it honors veterans who have served in all wars in which the US have fought.
On November 15, we have the Proclamation of the Brazilian Republic.On this day in the year of 1889, according to Wikipedia, "It was brought to federal presidential republican form of government in Brazil, dropping the parliamentary constitutional monarchy of the Empire of Brazil and therefore ending the sovereignty of the Emperor Pedro II. It was then proclaimed a republic of the United States of Brazil."
In Brazil, again, we have the Black Conciousness Day. It falls on November 20, and it is dedicated to the reflexion about the inclusion of the black people in Brazilian society. This day was chosen to coincide with Zumbi dos Palmares's Day. This man was the last leader of the Quilombo dos Palmares. The Quilombo dos Palmares was a self-sustainable community, a kingdom formed by black slaves who had escaped from Brazilian farms, prisons and slave quarters.
The Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. It was created to thank for the harvest, in 1621. Some think that this was the first Thanksgiving feast of the nation. People usually eat what they ate in 1621: roast turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, and pumpkin pie.
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is on December 7. On this day, in 1941, more than 2,400 military service personnel died during the surprise attack by Japanese forces, and it caused the United States to enter the World War II.
And finally, December 25, the day the church chose to celebrate Jesus's birthday. On this day, many children write letters for Santa Claus, asking for presents like a bike or a doll. I'm writing mine... This day is called Christmas Day.
Six days after Christmas, many people go to the beach, in the night, to wait for the new year, and it starts all over again...

I hope you liked our lesson about holidays.
Next holiday is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, don't forget it!

See you!

What's up?

Hoje eu trago a vocês a terceira parte da nossa aula sobre feriados. Preste atenção a ela se você quiser responder os futuros exercícios sobre ela.

O Dia da Independência é em 4 de julho, um dia para o piquenique e desfiles patrióticos em todo os EUA e esta honra do feriado de aniversário dos EUA. Há concertos e fogos de artifício.No Brasil, ela cai em 01 de maio, mas nos EUA, é na primeira segunda-feira de setembro. É o Dia do Trabalho, um dia para homenagear as pessoas que trabalham da nação. Para algumas pessoas é o fim da temporada de férias de verão eo ano escolar começa.No Brasil, em 7 de setembro de 1822, D. Pedro de Alcântara de Bragança proclamou a independência de nossa nação. É o Dia da IndependênciaHá desfiles em todo o país e fogos de artifício. Algumas pessoas gostam de ir à praia ou lugares assim neste dia.

D. Pedro gritando "Independência ou Morte", à beiro do Rio Ipiranga.

D. Pedro shouting "Independence or Death", by the River Ipiranga.

O Dia de Cristovão Colombo é um feriado federal comemorado na segunda segunda-feira em outubro. Este dia comemora quando Cristovão Colombo desembarcou no Novo Mundo em 12 de outubro de 1492.Em 12 de outubro, também, no Brasil, é o dia da padroeira do país, Nossa Senhora AparecidaEste é um dia muito importante para os católicos, porque Nossa Senhora Aparecida é a mãe de Jesus, mas eles idolatram imagens, mas eu sou evangélico.Em outubro temos o mais assustador feriado. É Halloween, 31 de outubro. A melhor coisa é quando as pessoas se vestem com roupas engraçadas ou assustadoras e dizem "Gostosuras ou Travessuras". É tão engraçado!Em 2 de novembro, no Brasil, temos um dia quando vamos ao cemitério para visitar os túmulos de pessoas que nós amamos, mas estão mortos ... É chamado de Dia dos Mortos ou Dia de Finados.O Dia dos Veteranos cai em 11 de novembro. Este dia foi criado para homenagear os americanos que lutaram na Primeira Guerra Mundial, mas hoje homenageia veteranos que serviram em todas as guerras em que os EUA lutou.Em 15 de novembro, temos a Proclamação da Republica Brasileira. Neste dia no ano de 1889, de acordo com a Wikipedia, "foi instaurada a forma republicana federativa presidencialista de governo no Brasil, derrubando a monarquia constitucional parlamentarista do governo do Brasil e, portanto, acabando com a soberania do Imperador Pedro II. Foi então proclamada a República dos Estados Unidos do Brasil".No Brasil, mais uma vez, temos o Dia da Consciência NegraCai em 20 de novembro, e é dedicado à reflexão sobre a inclusão do povo negro na sociedade brasileira. Este dia foi escolhido para coincidir com o Dia de Zumbi dos PalmaresEste homem foi o último líder do Quilombo dos Palmares. O Quilombo dos Palmares era uma comunidade auto-sustentável, um reino formado por escravos negros que haviam escapado das fazendas brasileiras, prisões e senzalas.O Dia de Ação de Graças é comemorado na quarta quinta-feira em novembro. Ele foi criado para agradecer a colheita, em 1621. Alguns pensam que esta era a festa de Ação de Graças primeiro da nação. As pessoas costumam comer o que comiam em 1621: peru assado, molho de cranberry, batatas e torta de abóbora.O Dia de Lembrança de Pearl Harbor é em 7 de dezembro. Neste dia, em 1941, mais de 2.400 funcionários do serviço militar morreu durante o ataque surpresa pelas forças japonesas, e que com que Estados Unidos para entrassem no Segunda Guerra Mundial.E, finalmente, 25 de dezembro, dia em que a igreja escolheu para comemorar o aniversário de Jesus. Neste dia, muitas crianças escrevem cartas para Papai Noel, pedindo presentes como uma bicicleta ou uma boneca. Eu estou escrevendo a minha ... Este dia é chamado de Natal.Seis dias depois do Natal, muitas pessoas vão à praia, à noite, para esperar o ano novo, e começa tudo de novo ...

Espero que tenham gostado da nossa aula sobre feriados.
O próximo feriado é o Dia de Lembrança de Pearl Harbor, não esqueça!

See you!

November 10, 2011

Holidays - II

Hello again!

Today I'm gonna post the second part of our lesson about Holidays. I'm gonna post about what people do during a holiday in the United States as in Brazil. I hope you like it:

I think that the most anticipated holiday is Easter. It falls on a spring Sunday, but varies from year to year. It's a Christian holiday that celebrates Jesus Christ's resurrection. In the USA, parents give their children baskets of candy and many americans follow an old tradition of coloring hard-boiled eggs. In Brazil, people usually give chocolate eggs, and children love it when they see a rabbit, a traditional symbol of Easter in Brazil.
The next holiday happens in Brazil. It is called Tiradente's Day, or in English, Toothpuller's Day and it falls on April 21. Tiradentes (Joaquim José da Silva Xavier) was a dentist and was a leading member of the Brazilian revolutionary movement known as Inconfidência Mineira "whose aim was full independence from the Portuguese colonial power and to create a Brazilian republic. When the plan was discovered, Tiradentes was arrested, tried and publicly hanged. Since the 19th century he has been considered a national hero of Brazil and patron of the Minas Gerais Military Police.", according to Wikipedia. I don't think people do anything here in Brazil during this holiday...
On April 22 is celebrated the Earth Day. It was first celebrated in 1970 in the USA. This day was created to make people worry about their environment, to promote ecology and encourage respect for life on earth.

The Labor Day is on May 1 in Brazil. In the USA, it falls on the first Monday of September. We usually say "Oh God, thank you! I don't need to work or study today!" but some people work on this day...
On the second Monday of May is celebrated the Mother's Day. People give flowers and cards to their mother. My mom, particularly, says that on this day, I and my sister have to do the dishes, wash our clothes, clean the house, because it's HER day... I love her!

The next holiday falls on the last Monday of May, the Memorial Day. It was created to honor the people killed in the American Civil War but it has become a day on which the dead are remembered. The flying of the American flag is widespread. 
Speaking of the American flag, on June 14 people display their American flags outside their homes and business.
Like the mothers, the fathers also have their day. It falls on the third Sunday of June. Many children give cards and presents to their fathers. In Brazil, it falls on the second Sunday of August.

On the next post, you'll learn about more holidays, don't miss it!

See you!

Hello again!

Hoje eu vou postar a segunda parte de nossa lição sobre feriados. Eu vou postar sobre o que as pessoas fazem durante um feriado nos Estados Unidos como no Brasil. Espero que gostem:
Acho que o feriado mais esperado é a PáscoaEla cai em um domingo de primavera, mas varia de ano para ano. É um feriado cristão que celebra a ressurreição de Jesus Cristo. Nos EUA, os pais dão aos filhos cestas de doces e muitos norte-americanos seguem uma velha tradição de colorir ovos cozidos. No Brasil, as pessoas costumam dar ovos de chocolate, e as crianças adoram quando vêem um coelho, um símbolo tradicional da Páscoa no Brasil.

O próximo feriado acontece no Brasil. Ele é chamado de Dia de Tiradentes, ou em Inglês, "Toothpuller's Day"e ele cai em 21 de abril. Tiradentes (Joaquim José da Silva Xavier) foi um dentista e foi um dos principais membros do movimento revolucionário brasileiro conhecido como "Inconfidência Mineira", "cujo objetivo era a plena independência do poder colonial Português e criar uma república brasileira. Quando o plano foi descoberto, Tiradentes foi preso, julgado e enforcado publicamente. Desde o século 19, ele tem sido considerado um herói nacional do Brasil e patrono da Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais.", segundo a Wikipedia. Eu não acho que as pessoas fazem alguma coisa aqui no Brasil durante este feriado ...Em 22 de abril é comemorado o Dia da TerraFoi celebrado pela primeira vez em 1970 nos EUA. Este dia foi criado para fazer as pessoas se preocupam com o meio ambiente, para promover a ecologia e estimular o respeito à vida na Terra.O Dia do Trabalho é em 1 de maio no Brasil. Nos EUA, ele cai na primeira segunda-feira de setembro. Costumamos dizer: "Oh Deus, obrigado! Eu não preciso trabalhar ou estudar hoje!"mas algumas pessoas trabalham neste dia ...Na segunda segunda-feira de maio é comemorado o Dia das MãesAs pessoas dão flores e cartas para sua mãe. Minha mãe, em particular, diz que neste dia, eu e minha irmã temos que lavar a louça, lavar nossas roupas, limpar a casa, porque é o dia dela ... Eu amo ela!O próximo feriado cai na última segunda-feira de maio, o Dia da LembrançaFoi criado para homenagear as pessoas mortas na Guerra Civil Americana, mas tornou-se um dia em que os mortos são lembrados. O hasteamento da bandeira americana é muito difundido. 
Falando sobre a bandeira americana, em 14 de junho as pessoas colocam suas bandeiras americanas para fora de suas casas e negócios.Como as mães, os pais também têm o seu dia. Ela cai no terceiro domingo de junho. Muitas crianças dão cartas e presentes a seus pais. No Brasil, cai no segundo domingo de agosto.
No próximo post, você vai aprender sobre férias mais, não perca!

See you!

November 04, 2011

Holidays - I

Hello world!

Some days ago, November began... Time flies! Here in Brazil we started the month with a holiday. Well, it was not exactly on November 1, it was on November 2, we celebrated the All Souls' Day, right after the Day of All Saints and Halloween. This day, November 2, as you probably know, is the day when people go to the cemetery and take candles and flowers with them to their dead relatives and pray for them.
In this post, I'm going to talk about some important holidays here in Brazil as in the United States. You'll also be able to read about what people do during a holiday. Pay close attention to it:

The first holiday of the year is, of course, the New Year's Day. It's celebrated on January 1. In Brazil most people go to the beach, in white clothes, and jump over seven waves "for luck". Some people keep lentil in their purse for luck too. Here in Brazil, people also start in this day doing things like eating better, saving money, working not too hard, going to the gym, studying... In the USA, people also have goals for the New Year, but they go to New York to see the ball fall down and the fireworks at Times Square. Who can't go to New York, go to the city center where of course there's Christmas decoration and fireworks and parades and live music. This is the first day of the year...
The next holiday is the Martin Luther King Day. It is a federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday in January. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was an African-American clergyman who is recognized for his tireless efforts to win civil rights for all people through nonviolent means. We do not have this holiday in Brazil.
Groundhog Day is the next one. It is February 2, and it has been celebrated since 1887. On Groundhog Day, many people gather in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, to see if groundhog Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow after emerging from his burrow, thus predicting six more weeks of winter weather. We also don't have this holiday in Brazil.
The most lovely holiday is, without any shadow of doubt, is the Valentine's Day. On this day, people in the USA give cards to their friends with sayings like "I love you" or with drawings by the person delivering the card. It's a very lovely day. In Brazil this day is celebrated on June 12 and people give candies, cards and the man usually calls his girlfriend.
The next one is on the third Monday of February, it's the Presidents' Day. It was created to honor George Washington, the USA's first president.

That's it for now... Don't miss the next post!


See you!


Hello World!

Alguns dias atrás, Novembro começou... O tempo voa! Aqui no Brasil nós começamos o mês com um feriado. Bem, não era exatamente em 1 de novembro, foi em 2 de novembro, comemoramos o Dia de Finados, logo após o Dia de Todos os Santos e o Dia das Bruxas. Neste dia, 02 de novembrocomo você provavelmente sabe, é o dia quando as pessoas vão ao cemitério e levam velas e flores com eles para seus parentes mortos e para orar por eles.
Neste post, vou falar sobre alguns feriados importantes aqui no Brasil como nos Estados Unidos. Você também poderá ler sobre o que as pessoas fazem durante um feriadoPreste muita atenção a ele:

O primeiro feriado do ano é, claro, o Dia do Ano Novo. É comemorado em 01 de janeiroNo Brasil a maioria das pessoas vão à praiacom roupas brancas, e pulam sete ondas "para dar sorte". Algumas pessoas guardam lentilha em suas carteiras para dar sorte também. Aqui no Brasil, as pessoas também começam neste dia a fazer coisas como comer melhorpoupar dinheiro, trabalhar não muito duro, ir à academia, estudar... Nos EUA, as pessoas também têm metas para o Ano Novo, mas eles vão para Nova York para ver a bola cair e os fogos de artifício em Times Square. Quem não pode ir para Nova York, vá para o centro da cidade onde, naturalmente, há decoração de Natal e fogos de artifício e desfiles e música ao vivoEste é o primeiro dia do ano...
O próximo feriado é o Dia de Martin Luther King. É um feriado federal comemorado no terceiro domingo de janeiro. O reverendo Martin Luther King, Jr. era um clérigo Africano-Americano que é reconhecido por seus esforços incansáveis ​​para conquistar direitos civis para todos os povos através de meios não-violentos. Nós não temos este feriado no Brasil.
O Dia da Marmota é o próximo. É em 02 de fevereiro, e tem sido comemorado desde 1887. No Dia da Marmota, muitas pessoas se reúnem em Punxsutawney, Pensilvânia, para ver se a marmota Punxsutawney Phil  sua sombra depois de sair de sua tocaprevendo assim mais seis semanas de invernoNós também não temos este feriado no Brasil.
O feriado mais bonito é, sem qualquer sombra de dúvida, o Dia dos NamoradosNeste dia, as pessoas nos EUA dão cartões para seus amigos com frases como "eu te amo" ou com desenhos feitos pela pessoa que entrega o cartão. É um dia muito lindoNo Brasil, esse dia é comemorado em 12 de junho e as pessoas dão doces, cartões e o homem costuma ligar para sua namorada.
O próximo é na terceira segunda-feira do mês de Fevereiro, é o Dia dos Presidentes. Foi criado para homenagear George Washington, primeiro presidente dos EUA.

Isso é tudo por enquanto... Não percam a próxima postagem!


See you!                                                              

October 27, 2011

Listening - Billionaire

Hello world!

Today I'll post a song that you probably know... It is sang by Bruno Mars and Travie McCoy and is called Billionaire. The video is here:

Hoje postarei uma música que você provavelmente conhece... É cantada por Bruno Mars e Travie McCoy e se chama Billionaire. O vídeo está aqui:

Billionaire - Travie McCoy and Bruno Mars

(Bruno Mars)
I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad.
Buy all of the things I never had.
I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine.
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen.
Oh everytime I close my eyes.
I see my name in shining lights.
Yeah, a different city every night oh
I, I swear the world better prepare
for when i'm a billionaire.
(Travie McCoy)
Yeah I would have a show like Oprah
I would be the host of everyday christmas give Travie a wish list.
I'd probably pull an Angelina and Brad Pitt
and adopt a bunch of babies that ain't never had shit.
Give away a few Mercedes like here lady have this.
And last but not least grant somebody they last wish.
It's been a couple months that i've been single so
you can call me Travie Claus minus the ho ho.
Ahaa get it.
I'd probably visit where Katrina hit
and damn sure do alot more than FEMA did.
Yeah can't forget about me stupid.
Everywhere I go imma have my own theme music.
(Bruno Mars) [Chorus]
Oh everytime I close my eyes
(What you see? What you see? bro) I see my name in shining lights.
(Ahan, ahan and what else?) Oh ye-eah a different city every night oh
I, I swear the world better prepare
for when I'm a billionaire.
Oh oh oh oooh when I'm a billionaire.
Oh oh oh oooh.
(Travie McCoy)
I'll be playing basketball with the president.
Dunking on his delegates.
Then I compliment on his political etiquette.
Toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it
But keep the fives, twentys, tens, and bens completely separate
And yeah I'll be in a whole new tax bracket
We in recession but let me take a crack at it
I'll probably take whatevers left and just split it up
So everybody that I love can have a couple bucks
And not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was
Eating good sleeping soundly
I know we all have a similar dream
Go in your pocket pull out your wallet
And put it in the air and sing
(Bruno Mars)
I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen
(What up Oprah?) Oh everytime I close my eyes
(what you see? What you see? bro) I see my name in shining lights.
(Ahan, ahan and what else?) Yeah a different city every night oh
I, I swear the world better prepare for when I'm a billionaire.
Oh oh oh oooh when i'm a billionaire.
Oh oh oh oooh.
I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad.

That's it for today! I hope you like it!
Isso é tudo por hoje! Espero que goste!

See you!

October 24, 2011

Texts and Questions - Language Classes in America

Hey people!

Today we're starting a new section here. I'll post a text, any kind of text, and I'll give you some questions about it and you'll have to interpret it. It's very good to practice the language.
Today's text says that language classes are popular in America's public schools and was written by Mohamed Elshinnawi:

Language Classes Popular in America's Public Schools

More than 900 young students arrive at Kent Gardens Elementary every morning to take part in a system-wide language training program known as partial immersion. Its aim is to help students become fluent in a foreign language of their choice. In this particular school, French is the language being offered.
"Half of the day is spent with a French immersion teacher, where they learn math and science in French and the other part of the day is spent with the English teacher where they are taught social studies and language arts in English," says Annie Dwyer, a 5th grade French teacher.
Students not only receive instruction in the French language but are also exposed to the cultures of French-speaking countries. They interact with teacher-interns from France. Some students host the French interns in their homes, establishing personal cultural links.
Students at Kent Gardens Elementary come from many different cultural backgrounds, and they give many different reasons for wanting to be fluent in a foreign language.
"I am actually Muslim," says Rosa Ahmat, "so my parents want me to learn about other cultures and people from other places."
Anwar Mendes says he expects to travel a lot in the future. "So I will have a pretty good chance of meeting a person that speaks French."
"It will be very hard to get a good job if you do not know the other languages," says Neha Rana.
Many educators support that belief. They say immersing young students in foreign language study for at least half of their school day gives them the mult-lingual skills they'll need to succeed in an increasingly global economy.
There are other benefits as well. "It expands the mind of the child and also gives them a greater cultural awareness of other cultures and makes them more tolerant of others' differences," says 6th grade French teacher Christine Bedoret.
Some critics of immersion programs believe that spending half the school day learning in a foreign language could negatively impact students' fluency in English. Richard Gordon, a 6-grade English and social studies teacher, disagrees. "One thing I noticed when I teach my students coming from the foreign language program is that they are very oral, they are very vocal, and they can express themselves very well in my English classes."
But French teachers like Francoise Brottet admits there are challenges involved in the immersion program. "Since they do not understand everything (we say), we have to find creative and different ways to teach them."
Young students have their own challenges. "It can be a bit confusing at times, because you learn the terms in French and sometimes some tests and homework you get are written in English," says 6th grader Kimia Zadegan.
Over the past decade, hundreds of American public schools have begun offering partial immersion programs to teach students Latin, Spanish, German, Japanese and many other languages.
Dr. Robyn Hooker, Kent Gardens' Principal, says that many of the students at the school are already multi-lingual, as well as multi-cultural, when they enroll. "Many of the children in our school, because it is an international school, come to us speaking perhaps two or three and in some instances four languages, so it becomes a part of our responsibility to prepare children for global society — and that always includes the languages."
Hooker believes the training students are receiving at Kent Gardens — and in similar language immersion schools across the country — will help them to communicate more effectively not just in their own American polyglot, but in the 21st century's increasingly global village.

1. (UFV 2008) What kind of program is offered by Kent Graden Elementary to its students?

2. (UFV 2008) Does the text present arguments for or against this type of program? Justify.

3. (UFV 2008) According to Richard Gordon, the students participating in immersion programs
 (a) double the quotient of intelligence by practicing the language.
 (b) improve their English fluency.
 (c) forget their mother language.
 (d) become, in general, shy and quiet.
 (e) greatly improve the writing skills.

4. (UFV 2008) In a studyon the relationship between language and culture, Kramsch explains that trans, inter and multicultural communication is a complex and mental abilityinvolving specific aspect of language learning: the ability to learn the language/culture of another without losing your own and thus move between these "worlds"."Multicultural" people can play different social roles, linguistically and culturally appropriate in a situation of contextualized interaction.

Considering Kramsch's tought, choose the alternative that presents a phrase from the text that confirms this explanation:

 (a) "It expands the mind of the child and also gives them a greater cultural awareness of other cultures and makes them more tolerant of other's differences."
 (b)"It can be a bit confusing at times, because you learn the terms in French and sometimes tests and homework you get are written in English."
 (c) "It will be very hard to get a good job if you do not know the other languages."
 (d) "So I will have a pretty good chance of meeting a person that speaks French."
 (e) "Since they do not understand everything we say, we have to find creative and different ways to teach them."

5. (UFV 2008, adapted) The words their (5th line, 2nd paragraph) and they (1st line, 4th paragraph) refer, respectively, to the words:
 (a) "Schools" and "languages"
 (b) "Students" and "schools"
 (c) "Educators" and "students"
 (d) "Students" and "educators"
 (e) "Language" and "educators"

6. (UFV 2008) The passage of the text in the 6th paragraph in Passive Voice "some tests and homework you get are written in English" can be written in the Active Voice as:

 (a) Someone wrote the tests and homework you get in English.
 (b) Someone writes the tests and homework you get in English.
 (c) Someone will write the tests and homework you get in English.
 (d) Someone is writing the tests and homework you get in English.
 (e) Someone writes the tests and homework you got in English.

I hope you like this!
See you!

Hey people!

Hoje estamos começando uma nova seção aqui. Eu postarei um texto, qualquer tipo de texto, e darei a você algumas perguntas sobre ele e você terá que interpretá-lo. Esse é um bom jeito de praticar o idioma.
O texto de hoje fala que aulas de idioma são populares em escolas públicas da América e foi escrito por Mohamed Elshinnawi:

(Leia o texto acima, destacado em azul)


1. (UFV 2008) Que tipo de programa é oferecido na Kent Graden Elementary para seus estudantes?

2. (UFV 2008) O texto apresenta argumentos contra ou a favor deese tipo de programa? Justifique.

3. (UFV 2008) De acordo com Richard Gordon, os estudantes que participam em programas de imersão
 (a) dobram o quoeficiênte de inteligência ao praticar o idioma.
 (b) melhora sua fluência no Inglês.
 (c) esquecem o idioma materno.
 (d) se tornam, em geral, tímidos e quietos.
 (e) melhoram bastante as habilidades de escrita.

4. (UFV 2008) Em um estudo sobre a relação entre idioma e cultura, Kramsch explica quea comunicação trans, inter ou multicultural é uma habilidade complexa e mental, envolvendo um aspecto específico do aprendizado de um idioma: a habilidade de aprender o idioma/cultura de outro sem perder a sua própria e então transitar entre esses dois "mundos". Pessoas "multiculturais" conseguem desenvolver dois papéis diferentes na sociedade, linguistica e culturalmente adequados em uma situação de interação contextualizada.

Levando em conta o pensamento de Kramsch, escolha a alternativa que apresenta um frase do texto que confirma essa explicação:

 (a) "It expands the mind of the child and also gives them a greater cultural awareness of other cultures and makes them more tolerant of other's differences."
 (b)"It can be a bit confusing at times, because you learn the terms in French and sometimes tests and homework you get are written in English."
 (c) "It will be very hard to get a good job if you do not know the other languages."
 (d) "So I will have a pretty good chance of meeting a person that speaks French."
 (e) "Since they do not understand everything we say, we have to find creative and different ways to teach them."

5. (UFV 2008, adapted) As palavras their (5ª linha, 2º parágrafo) e they (1ª linha, 4º parágrafo) referem-se, respectivamente, às palavras:
 (a) "Schools" e "languages"
 (b) "Students" e "schools"
 (c) "Educators" e "students"
 (d) "Students" e "educators"
 (e) "Language" e "educators"

6. (UFV 2008) O trecho do texto no 6º parágrafo na Voz Passiva "some tests and homework you get are written in English" pode ser escrito na Voz Ativa como:

 (a) Someone wrote the tests and homework you get in English.
 (b) Someone writes the tests and homework you get in English.
 (c) Someone will write the tests and homework you get in English.
 (d) Someone is writing the tests and homework you get in English.
 (e) Someone writes the tests and homework you got in English.
Espero que goste!

See you!