June 24, 2011

Mathematical Expressions and Use of Numbers in Day-to-day

Hello again!

Today I am going to post about Mathematical Expressions such as %, or √, because nowadays, it is very important to know about this, even if Math is the subject most feared by people. So, pay attention:

+  - plus
-  - minus
· or x - times/ multiplied by
: or ÷ - divided by
= - equal/ is equal to
% - percent/ percentage
5² - five squared
5³ - five cubed
5¹º - five to the power of ten
√ - square root of
1/2 - a/one half
1/3 - a third/ one third
1/4 - a/one quarter/fourth
1/12 - a/one twelfh
2/3 - two thirds
25/48 - twenty-five over fourty-eight
2 1/2 - two and a/one half
0.2 - nought point two
4.258 - nought point two five eight

10 - 3 = 7
ten minus three is equal to/ is seven

First, write the month, then the day, and finally the year. Observe:
March 12, 1995.
March 12th, 1995
March the 12th, 1995

I was born on March 12, 1995.

In English, the point (.) between two numbers is replaced by a comma, and the comma will become a point in English:
Portuguese  -  English
R$ 1,00         US$1.00 or $1 (one dollar)
R$1,50          US$1.50 or US$1.5 (one dollar and fifty cents)
R$ 1,55         US$1.55 (one dollar and fifty-five cents)
R$159,86      US$ 159.86 (one hundred and fifty-nine dollars and eighty-six cents) 

These numbers are not correct. R$1,00 is not equal to US$1.00, ok?

1 inch (in) (uma polegada) = 2.54 cm
1 foot (ft) (um pé) = 30.48 cm
1 yard (yd) (uma jarda) = 91 cm
1 mile (uma milha) = 1.609 km
1 league (uma légua) = 4.828 km

A: How tall are you?
B: I'm 6 feet and 1 inch tall.
A: Wow!

I think I said almost everything you will need someday. That's all!

See you!

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