September 20, 2011

Today is a very happy day!

Hey guys!

Are you as happy as I am? Today our blog is getting old. Well, actually it always gets old... But today it is its birthday. That's why I'm really happy!!! As you could see, now this blog has a logo, my mother created it. It's pretty nice, ain't it? I wanna thank you all again for reading, sharing, commenting and I want you to keep on doing that.
There will be some changes on the blog very soon. I want this blog to answer all your questions in a simple, easy and better way, so that you can learn more and more. I'll spend some time working on that, I promisse.
I know you might not read all the posts, you might not even read this one, but if you are reading it, I want you to know that I thank you too much (again) for learning from this blog.


September 10, 2011

One Year Old

Hey guys!

I am really happy because in 10 days our blog will be 1 year old!
I want to thank you all for reading, commenting and sharing my blog. Without you, this blog would have only 3 posts...
In the beggining, I thought it would take all the time I had, but I knew how to organize my day to post on this blog... As you started reading, I started posting more and more, and now this blog has more than 160 posts... I know I could have posted about more things, but sometimes I was too lazy... But I used to think that there are many people around the world who wants to learn English, and that feeling made me lose my laziness and keep posting. I thank you all.
I hope you are enjoying my blog, and I hope it can be 2 years old as soon as you can blink.
Keep reading it!

See you!

September 07, 2011

School in the USA


I'm really sorry for not posting here. On the previous post, I told you I would tell you what I did some days before that post. Well, I met some americans from he Baptist Church in Texas. They are really very friendly and I hope to see them very soon. They spent around 12 days here in Brazil, in my city, but they have also gone to surrounding cities to share the gospel with other people. I helped them by traslating what they said. It was a really good time. By the way, the song I posted on the previous post is from a CD that they have given to some people who helped them. To be short, that's what I did.
In the begginning of this post I apologized for not posting. I'll tell you why. I started a thecnical course on Design of Civil Construction and it is really very splendiferous. I think I'll be able to post only on Saturdays or Sundays because I'm always away from my computer...
Ok, let's cut to the chase:

My teacher wanted us to talk to an american person about how the school in the USA is. I talked to two or three people and I created a video to tell you what the said. If you want, you can pause the video to read it slowly:

I hope you like it!

See you!