Hoje, iremos falar sobre as horas, como ler as horas (se seu relógio é analógico), as maneiras de se falar as horas e essas coisas.
Mas antes, vamos conhecer algumas palavras básicas:
Minutes = Minutos
Hour = Hora
Clock = Relógio
Watch = Relógio
Quarter = 1/4 (um quarto)
Half = Meio, Metade
Past = Passado
To = Para
. . .
1- Quando a hora for exata, dizemos as horas em inglês, mais a palavra "o'clock".
Ex.: É uma em ponto.
It's one o'clock.
2- Quando se passaram alguns minutos depois de tal hora, mas não ultrapassa os quinze minutos, dizemos os minutos que passaram, mais a palavra "past", mais a hora que se passou.
Ex.: São duas e dez.
It's ten past two (ou "It's two and ten").
3- Quando se passaram exatos quinze minutos, usamos a palavra quarter, mais a palavra past, mais a hora que passou.
Ex.: São duas e quinze.
It's quarter past two (ou "It's two and quarter").
4- Quando se passaram mais de quinze minutos, usamos a mesma regra do segundo item (acima).
Ex.: São duas e vinte e cinco.
It's twenty-five past two (ou "It's two twenty-five").
5- Quando já se passaram exata meia hora, dizemos half, mais a palavra past, mais as horas.
Ex.: São duas e meia.
It's half past two.
6- Se você quisesse dizer que faltam trinta minutos para tal hora, use a palavra half, mais a palavra to, mais as horas que virão.
Ex.: São trinta para as três (Falta meia hora para as três).
It's half to three.
7- Quando se passarem mais de trinta minutos, mas ainda não chegou nos 45 minutos, use os minutos que faltam para a próxima hora, mais a palavra to, mais as horas que virão.
Ex.: São duas e trinta e cinco (Faltam vinte e cinco minutos para as três).
It's twenty-five to three.
8- Quando faltarem exatos 15 minutos para a próxima hora, use a palavra quarter, mais o to, mais a hora que virá.
Ex.: São duas e quarenta e cinco.
It's quarter to three.
9- Quando faltarem menos de quinze minutos para a próxima hora, use os minutos que faltam, mais o to, mais a hora que se aproxima.
Ex.: São duas e cinquenta e cinco (São cinco para as três).
It's five to three.
10- Quando for meio-dia, dizemos Midday.
11- Quando for meia-noite, dizemos Midnight.
12- Antes do meio-dia, dizemos horas mais a sigla a.m..
Ex.: São duas e meia da manhã.
It's two and half a.m..
13- Depois do meio-dia, dizemos as horas mais a sigla p.m..
Ex.: São três e quinze da tarde.
It's three and fifteen p.m..
Geralmente você não precisará usar o a.m. ou o p.m., porque a pessoa saberá se está de dia ou de noite...
Agora, se seu relógio for digital, você não precisa ficar vendo onde está o ponteiro pequeno e o grande...
Ufa! Espero que tenha entendido. Qualquer dúvida, clique na página "Contato" (contact), no alto do nosso blog.
Releia o post caso não tenha entendido...
Nos vemos no próximo post...
See you!
January 29, 2011
January 28, 2011
Uso do Verbo Get
What's up!
Hoje veremos como usar o verbo To Get. Como você já sabe, ele possui vários significados, e hoje veremos como usar cada um. Observe a lista abaixo:
They get a lot of money because they are actors. (conseguir, ganhar)
I got sad that night. (ficar, não confunda com o To Stay)
She'll get home soon. (chegar)
He didn't get the flu. (pegar [doença])
I didn't get the joke. (entender)
He'll get rich! (ficar)
I got invited to the party. (fui)
Em alguns casos, podemos substituir o verbo To Be por Get, como na última frase. O certo seria "I was invited to the party.". Usamos o Get na linguagem informal.
Espero que não confunda o Get de ficar com o Stay. Quando estamos sentindo algo, por exemplo, "eu fuquei trsite", usamos o get, "I got sad". Quando queremos dizer que ficamos em algum lugar, usamos o Stay, "I stayed home last night."
Caso tenha algma dúvida de vocabulário, use um dicionário.
Espero que tenham entendido...
See you!
Hoje veremos como usar o verbo To Get. Como você já sabe, ele possui vários significados, e hoje veremos como usar cada um. Observe a lista abaixo:
They get a lot of money because they are actors. (conseguir, ganhar)
I got sad that night. (ficar, não confunda com o To Stay)
She'll get home soon. (chegar)
He didn't get the flu. (pegar [doença])
I didn't get the joke. (entender)
He'll get rich! (ficar)
I got invited to the party. (fui)
Em alguns casos, podemos substituir o verbo To Be por Get, como na última frase. O certo seria "I was invited to the party.". Usamos o Get na linguagem informal.
Espero que não confunda o Get de ficar com o Stay. Quando estamos sentindo algo, por exemplo, "eu fuquei trsite", usamos o get, "I got sad". Quando queremos dizer que ficamos em algum lugar, usamos o Stay, "I stayed home last night."
Caso tenha algma dúvida de vocabulário, use um dicionário.
Espero que tenham entendido...
See you!
January 27, 2011
Listening - Love the Way You Lie (part 2)
A música de hoje é a segunda parte de Love the Way You Lie, da Rihanna. Espero que goste:
Nos vemos no próximos post...
See you!
A música de hoje é a segunda parte de Love the Way You Lie, da Rihanna. Espero que goste:
Nos vemos no próximos post...
See you!
January 25, 2011
Hoje trouxe um texto sobre o aquecimento global. Leia-o com muita atenção. Caso desconheça alguma palavra, procure num dicionário.
Global Warming - Fact or Fiction
Two decades ago, "global warming" was an issue only for hardcore scientists. Nowadays, it has become as popular as soccer or pop music. This is justifiable because, with the possible exception of another world war, a giant asteroid, or an uncurable plague, global warmimn may be the single largest threat to our planet.
According to most experts, if you don't curb our greenhouse gas emissions, hurricanes could become more frequent, El Niños could become more intense, and low-lying nations could be awash in seawater.
On the other hand, some people believe that global warming will result in the little more than warmer winters and increased plant growth. They point to the flaws in scientists' measurements and the complexity of the climate.
In truth, the future probaly fits somewhere between these two scenarios. But one of the biggest concerns now is that over the past 250 years humans have been artificially raising the concentration of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxid and methane in the atmosphere. Once these carbon-based greenhouse gases get into the atmosphere , they might stay there for decades. In essence, these gases are trapping excess heat in the Earth's atmosphere in much the same way that a windshield traps solar energy that enters a car.
While the general consensus among scionetists is that global warming is real, there are still some prominent scientists who feel that this threat has been greatly exaggerated. But perhaps the one aspect that nearly everyone agrees on is that more has to be done both to learn about it and prevent its man-made causes.
Agora, vamos conhecer algumas palavras relacionadas ao clima e temperatura:
Hot - Quente
Cold - Frio
Sunny - Ensolarado
Sun - Sol
Cloud - Nuvem
Rain - Chuva
Rainy - Chuvoso
Snow - Neve
Snowy - Nevoso, de neve
Wind - Vento
Windy - Ventoso
Wet - Molhado
Water - Água
Thunder - Trovão
Thunderstorm - Trovoada
Lightning - Raio, relâmpago
Weather - Tempo, condições meteorológicas
Temperature - Temperatura
How is the weather? - Como está o tempo?
It seems it's going to rain... - Parece que vai chover...
It seems the sky is clean. - Parece que o céu está limpo.
What a strange weather! - Que tempo estranho!
Hurricane - Furacão
Earthquake - Terremoto
Mist - Neblina
Seaquake - Maremoto
Tsunami - Tsunami
Dry - Seca
Arid - Árido
Volcanic ash - Cinzas vulcânicas
Smoke - Fumaça
Acho que isso é o suficiente (enough)...
See you!
Hoje trouxe um texto sobre o aquecimento global. Leia-o com muita atenção. Caso desconheça alguma palavra, procure num dicionário.
Global Warming - Fact or Fiction
Two decades ago, "global warming" was an issue only for hardcore scientists. Nowadays, it has become as popular as soccer or pop music. This is justifiable because, with the possible exception of another world war, a giant asteroid, or an uncurable plague, global warmimn may be the single largest threat to our planet.
According to most experts, if you don't curb our greenhouse gas emissions, hurricanes could become more frequent, El Niños could become more intense, and low-lying nations could be awash in seawater.
On the other hand, some people believe that global warming will result in the little more than warmer winters and increased plant growth. They point to the flaws in scientists' measurements and the complexity of the climate.
In truth, the future probaly fits somewhere between these two scenarios. But one of the biggest concerns now is that over the past 250 years humans have been artificially raising the concentration of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxid and methane in the atmosphere. Once these carbon-based greenhouse gases get into the atmosphere , they might stay there for decades. In essence, these gases are trapping excess heat in the Earth's atmosphere in much the same way that a windshield traps solar energy that enters a car.
While the general consensus among scionetists is that global warming is real, there are still some prominent scientists who feel that this threat has been greatly exaggerated. But perhaps the one aspect that nearly everyone agrees on is that more has to be done both to learn about it and prevent its man-made causes.
Extraído de Globetrekker, pág. 222.
Agora, vamos conhecer algumas palavras relacionadas ao clima e temperatura:
Hot - Quente
Cold - Frio
Sunny - Ensolarado
Sun - Sol
Cloud - Nuvem
Rain - Chuva
Rainy - Chuvoso
Snow - Neve
Snowy - Nevoso, de neve
Wind - Vento
Windy - Ventoso
Wet - Molhado
Water - Água
Thunder - Trovão
Thunderstorm - Trovoada
Lightning - Raio, relâmpago
Weather - Tempo, condições meteorológicas
Temperature - Temperatura
How is the weather? - Como está o tempo?
It seems it's going to rain... - Parece que vai chover...
It seems the sky is clean. - Parece que o céu está limpo.
What a strange weather! - Que tempo estranho!
Hurricane - Furacão
Earthquake - Terremoto
Mist - Neblina
Seaquake - Maremoto
Tsunami - Tsunami
Dry - Seca
Arid - Árido
Volcanic ash - Cinzas vulcânicas
Smoke - Fumaça
Acho que isso é o suficiente (enough)...
See you!
January 22, 2011
Passive Voice
Today we're going to learn about the Active and Passive Voices.
The Active Voice is made up of a Subject Pronoun, a Verbal Tense and a Object Pronoun:
"I washed my cat." - Simple Past
"They are reading a book." - Present Continuous
It's easy!
Now, the Passive Voice is the opposite. It's made up of a Object Pronoun and the verb To Be with the Past Participle of another verb. Sometimes you can write or say who commited the action:
"My cat was washed by me." - Past Continuous
"A book is being read by them." - Present Continuous
Usually, the verbal tense of the verb To Be used in the Passive Voice is the same that you used in the Active Voice.
But, when the verb is intransitive, there is no corresponding Passive Voice, because the Subject of the Passive Voice would be the Object of the Active Voice:
"I live in a nice house." - There is no Passive Voice
I hope you get it!
See you!
Hoje iremos estudar sobre as Vozes Ativa e Passiva.
A Voz Ativa é composta por um Subject Pronoun, um Tempo Verbal, e um Object Pronoun:
"I washed my cat." - Simple Past
"They are reading a book." - Present Continuous
É fácil!
Agora, a Voz Passiva é o oposto. Ela é composta de um Object Pronoun e verbo To Be com o Particípio Passado de um outro verbo. As vezes, você pode escrever ou dizer quem comete a ação:
"My cat was washed by me." - Past Continuous
"A book is being read by them." - Present Continuous
Geralmente, o tempo verbal do verbo To Be usado na Voz Passiva é o mesmo que você usou na Voz Ativa.
Mas, quando o verbo é intransitivo, não há Passive Voice correspondente, porque o Subject da Voz Passiva seria o Object da Voz Ativa:
"I live in a nice house." - Não há Voz Passiva
Espero que tenha entendido!
See you!
Today we're going to learn about the Active and Passive Voices.
The Active Voice is made up of a Subject Pronoun, a Verbal Tense and a Object Pronoun:
"I washed my cat." - Simple Past
"They are reading a book." - Present Continuous
It's easy!
Now, the Passive Voice is the opposite. It's made up of a Object Pronoun and the verb To Be with the Past Participle of another verb. Sometimes you can write or say who commited the action:
"My cat was washed by me." - Past Continuous
"A book is being read by them." - Present Continuous
Usually, the verbal tense of the verb To Be used in the Passive Voice is the same that you used in the Active Voice.
But, when the verb is intransitive, there is no corresponding Passive Voice, because the Subject of the Passive Voice would be the Object of the Active Voice:
"I live in a nice house." - There is no Passive Voice
I hope you get it!
See you!
Hoje iremos estudar sobre as Vozes Ativa e Passiva.
A Voz Ativa é composta por um Subject Pronoun, um Tempo Verbal, e um Object Pronoun:
"I washed my cat." - Simple Past
"They are reading a book." - Present Continuous
É fácil!
Agora, a Voz Passiva é o oposto. Ela é composta de um Object Pronoun e verbo To Be com o Particípio Passado de um outro verbo. As vezes, você pode escrever ou dizer quem comete a ação:
"My cat was washed by me." - Past Continuous
"A book is being read by them." - Present Continuous
Geralmente, o tempo verbal do verbo To Be usado na Voz Passiva é o mesmo que você usou na Voz Ativa.
Mas, quando o verbo é intransitivo, não há Passive Voice correspondente, porque o Subject da Voz Passiva seria o Object da Voz Ativa:
"I live in a nice house." - Não há Voz Passiva
Espero que tenha entendido!
See you!
January 19, 2011
More Slangs
What's up?
Hoje veremos mais algumas gírias:
Abysinnia!: O mesmo que "I'll be seeing you!"
bag of bones: Uma pessoa ou um animal muito magro.
cake-hole: O mesmo que "mouth". "Shut your cake-hole and get on wih your work." (Cale sua "matraca" e continue com seu trabalho.) Pode-se ouvir também "pie-hole".
Depois eu posto mais algumas...
See you! (Abysinnia!)
Hoje veremos mais algumas gírias:
Abysinnia!: O mesmo que "I'll be seeing you!"
bag of bones: Uma pessoa ou um animal muito magro.
cake-hole: O mesmo que "mouth". "Shut your cake-hole and get on wih your work." (Cale sua "matraca" e continue com seu trabalho.) Pode-se ouvir também "pie-hole".
Depois eu posto mais algumas...
See you! (Abysinnia!)
Modal Verbs - Review
What's up?
Como já vimos, modal verbs são verbos "diferentes". Não acrescentamos o to nem antes ou depois. Agora, veja os diferentes usos desses verbos:
- Habilidades:
I can sing the piano.
- Deduções:
a) Dan must be there.
b) They might be friends.
c) You can't work in a bank.
- Sugestões/ Conselhos:
You should listen to what he's saying.
- Permissões:
You may go home now.
- Obrigações/ Proibições:
a) They must/ have to/ have got to study right now!
b) You can't/ mustn't/ may not/ aren't supposed to/ aren't allowed to park here.
- Habilidades:
He could read when he was 5 years old.
a) The party must have been nice.
b) They might have seen it in a magazine.
c) She can't have/ couldn't have worked here, she's so young.
- Sugestões/ Conselhos:
You should have visited my father's house. Now he's sad...
- Permissões:
You were allowed to see that then.
- Obrigações/ Proibições:
a) They had to stay here.
b) You couldn't/ weren't allowed to park here.
Espero que tenham entendido... Deixem um comentário...
See you!
Como já vimos, modal verbs são verbos "diferentes". Não acrescentamos o to nem antes ou depois. Agora, veja os diferentes usos desses verbos:
- Habilidades:
I can sing the piano.
- Deduções:
a) Dan must be there.
b) They might be friends.
c) You can't work in a bank.
- Sugestões/ Conselhos:
You should listen to what he's saying.
- Permissões:
You may go home now.
- Obrigações/ Proibições:
a) They must/ have to/ have got to study right now!
b) You can't/ mustn't/ may not/ aren't supposed to/ aren't allowed to park here.
- Habilidades:
He could read when he was 5 years old.
a) The party must have been nice.
b) They might have seen it in a magazine.
c) She can't have/ couldn't have worked here, she's so young.
- Sugestões/ Conselhos:
You should have visited my father's house. Now he's sad...
- Permissões:
You were allowed to see that then.
- Obrigações/ Proibições:
a) They had to stay here.
b) You couldn't/ weren't allowed to park here.
Espero que tenham entendido... Deixem um comentário...
See you!
January 18, 2011
The Lord's Prayer - Exercises and Answers
On the previous post I posted "The Lord's Prayer". Probably you've seen there were some different words. Try to link each word to its meaning below.
Na postagem anterior, postei "O Pai Nosso" em Inglês. Você deve ter percebido que haviam algumas palavras diferentes, não é? Tente ligar as palavras abaixo com seus significados:
a) santificado
b) kingdom
c) vontade
d) perdoar
e) mal
f) céu
g) terra
h) ofensas
i) livrai
1. heaven
2. deliver
3. evil
4. hallowed
5. forgive
6. reino
7. trespasses
8. will
9. earth
a) 4
b) 6
c) 8
d) 5
e) 3
f) 1
g) 9
h) 7
i) 2
You may have noticed some strange words like art and thy. What are their meaning in modern English?
Agora, você também deve ter notado que existem palavras no texto como art e thy. Quais seriam seus equivalentes no Inglês moderno?
See you!
On the previous post I posted "The Lord's Prayer". Probably you've seen there were some different words. Try to link each word to its meaning below.
Na postagem anterior, postei "O Pai Nosso" em Inglês. Você deve ter percebido que haviam algumas palavras diferentes, não é? Tente ligar as palavras abaixo com seus significados:
a) santificado
b) kingdom
c) vontade
d) perdoar
e) mal
f) céu
g) terra
h) ofensas
i) livrai
1. heaven
2. deliver
3. evil
4. hallowed
5. forgive
6. reino
7. trespasses
8. will
9. earth
a) 4
b) 6
c) 8
d) 5
e) 3
f) 1
g) 9
h) 7
i) 2
You may have noticed some strange words like art and thy. What are their meaning in modern English?
Agora, você também deve ter notado que existem palavras no texto como art e thy. Quais seriam seus equivalentes no Inglês moderno?
See you!
January 17, 2011
The Lord's Prayer
Acho que você já deve ter se perguntado como orar o Pai Nosso em Inglês, ou tentou traduzir para o Inglês do Português. Hoje você não precisará fazer mais isso, postarei essa oração aqui no blog, que em Inglês, a chamamos de "Lord's Prayer" ou "Our Father" ou ainda "Pater Noster".
Lord's Prayer:
Our father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us today our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespasses against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliever us from evil
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever
No próximo post, algumas perguntinhas...
See you!
Acho que você já deve ter se perguntado como orar o Pai Nosso em Inglês, ou tentou traduzir para o Inglês do Português. Hoje você não precisará fazer mais isso, postarei essa oração aqui no blog, que em Inglês, a chamamos de "Lord's Prayer" ou "Our Father" ou ainda "Pater Noster".
Lord's Prayer:
Our father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us today our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespasses against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliever us from evil
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever
No próximo post, algumas perguntinhas...
See you!
Hoje veremos como usar a preposição By. Observe os usos e significados dela:
By =
por (pelo, pela) - "I was attacked by a very strange person."
de (transporte) - "I had to travel by ship. It was so unpleasant!"
perto - "Stand by me."
no mais tardar/ no máximo até - "I think I'll be back by eight o'clock."
ao (antes de verbos no gerúndio) - "By clicking here, you'll open a new page."
by far = de longe/ com folga - "I'm by far the most intelligent guy in the class."
by my/ your/ him... self = por mim/ você/ ele próprio, sozinho - "I did this work by myself"
by the way = a propósito - "By the way, have you ever been to Italy?"
Agora traduza as frases abaixo:
a) Brazil is by far the most intercultural country in the world.
b) By reading, people travel in the imagination.
c) Why are you sitting by the door?
d) This book was written by a very important person.
e) John: - How will you go to NY?
Mônica: - I'll go by plane.
f) You must hand in your projects by the end of the lesson.
g) Did you do it by yourself?
h) By the way, where is your mother?
Por hoje é só...
See you!
Hoje veremos como usar a preposição By. Observe os usos e significados dela:
By =
por (pelo, pela) - "I was attacked by a very strange person."
de (transporte) - "I had to travel by ship. It was so unpleasant!"
perto - "Stand by me."
no mais tardar/ no máximo até - "I think I'll be back by eight o'clock."
ao (antes de verbos no gerúndio) - "By clicking here, you'll open a new page."
by far = de longe/ com folga - "I'm by far the most intelligent guy in the class."
by my/ your/ him... self = por mim/ você/ ele próprio, sozinho - "I did this work by myself"
by the way = a propósito - "By the way, have you ever been to Italy?"
Agora traduza as frases abaixo:
a) Brazil is by far the most intercultural country in the world.
b) By reading, people travel in the imagination.
c) Why are you sitting by the door?
d) This book was written by a very important person.
e) John: - How will you go to NY?
Mônica: - I'll go by plane.
f) You must hand in your projects by the end of the lesson.
g) Did you do it by yourself?
h) By the way, where is your mother?
Por hoje é só...
See you!
January 16, 2011
I'd Better X I'd Rather - Exercises and Answers
Hey there!
Like I said, today we'll bring you some exercises on "I'd better" and "I'd rather".
Como disse, no post de hoje, postarei alguns exercícios sobre "I'd better" e "I'd rather".
- Transform the sentences below using the words in parenthesis.
Ex.: You should contact the police. (better)
You'd better contact the police.
a) They should read more. (better)
b) I prefer to eat sandwich than carrot. (rather)
c) Arnold should stop smoking. (better)
d) She prefers to play the drum than spending her time on the beach. (rather)
a) They'd better read more.
b) I'd rather eat sandwich than carrot.
c) Arnold'd better stop smoking.
d) She'd rather play the drum than spending her time on the beach.
That's all...
Por hoje é só...
See you!
Like I said, today we'll bring you some exercises on "I'd better" and "I'd rather".
Como disse, no post de hoje, postarei alguns exercícios sobre "I'd better" e "I'd rather".
- Transform the sentences below using the words in parenthesis.
Ex.: You should contact the police. (better)
You'd better contact the police.
a) They should read more. (better)
b) I prefer to eat sandwich than carrot. (rather)
c) Arnold should stop smoking. (better)
d) She prefers to play the drum than spending her time on the beach. (rather)
a) They'd better read more.
b) I'd rather eat sandwich than carrot.
c) Arnold'd better stop smoking.
d) She'd rather play the drum than spending her time on the beach.
That's all...
Por hoje é só...
See you!
January 15, 2011
Too, So, Very and Enough
What's up?
Hoje veremos como usar as palavras Too, So, Very e Enough. Observe as frases abaixo:
This house is too expensive.
This girl is so beautiful.
That dog is very noisy.
This T-shirt is big enough.
Usamos Too para:
- falar que algo é muitíssimo + adjetivo, como no exemplo, "Essa casa é muito cara.".
Usamos So para:
- nesse sentido, significa, Tão; na frase, "Essa garota é tão linda.".
Usamos Very para:
- tem o significado de Muito, podendo ser substituído por Too ou So. Na frase, "Aquele cachorro é muito barulhento."
Usamos Enough para:
- tem o significado de Suficiente, usamos depois do adjetivo. Na frase, "Essa camiseta é grande o suficiente.".
Espero que tenha entendido...
See you!
Hoje veremos como usar as palavras Too, So, Very e Enough. Observe as frases abaixo:
This house is too expensive.
This girl is so beautiful.
That dog is very noisy.
This T-shirt is big enough.
Usamos Too para:
- falar que algo é muitíssimo + adjetivo, como no exemplo, "Essa casa é muito cara.".
Usamos So para:
- nesse sentido, significa, Tão; na frase, "Essa garota é tão linda.".
Usamos Very para:
- tem o significado de Muito, podendo ser substituído por Too ou So. Na frase, "Aquele cachorro é muito barulhento."
Usamos Enough para:
- tem o significado de Suficiente, usamos depois do adjetivo. Na frase, "Essa camiseta é grande o suficiente.".
Espero que tenha entendido...
See you!
January 14, 2011
I'd Better X I'd Rather
Today we're going to see the difference between "I'd Better" and "I'd Rather".
I'd Rather:
Most common and informal way to express preference.
It's formed by Would + Rather + a verb in its base form:
"I'd rather go home than stay here."
I'd Better:
We use it for advices. It's the same as "Should".
It's formed by Had Better + verb in its base form:
"You'd better pay attention to your teacher."
Its negative form is "had better not", but it's not very used.
"You'd better not talk to them."
There's no interrogative form.
We have some exercises about it! Click here.
See you!
Hoje veremos a diferença entre "I'd Better" e "I'd Rather".
I'd Rather:
Forma comum e informal de expressar preferência.
É formado por Would + Rather + um verbo na forma base:
"I'd rather go home than stay here."
("Eu prefiro ir pra casa do que ficar aqui.")
Sua forma negativa é "would rather not"
"I'd rather not stay here and go home."
("Eu prefiro não ficar aqui e ir para casa.")
Sua forma interrogativa é Would + sujeito + rather + verbo no forma base:
"Would you rather watch horror movies or comedy?"
("Você prefere assistir filmes de terror ou comédia?")
I'd Better:
Usamos para dar conselhos. Equivale ao "Should" (Deveria).
É formado por Had Better + Verbo na forma base:
"You'd better pay attention to your teacher."
("Você deveria prestar atenção ao seu professor.")
Sua forma negativa é "had better not" apesar de não ser muito usada.
"You'd better not talk to them."
("É melhor você não falar com eles.")
Não existe forma interrogativa.
Para exercícios, click aqui.
See you!
Today we're going to see the difference between "I'd Better" and "I'd Rather".
I'd Rather:
Most common and informal way to express preference.
It's formed by Would + Rather + a verb in its base form:
"I'd rather go home than stay here."
Its negative form is "would rather not":
"I'd rather not stay here and go home."
Its interrogative form is Would + subject + rather + verb in its base form:
"Would you rather watch horror movies or comedy?"
I'd Better:
We use it for advices. It's the same as "Should".
It's formed by Had Better + verb in its base form:
"You'd better pay attention to your teacher."
Its negative form is "had better not", but it's not very used.
"You'd better not talk to them."
There's no interrogative form.
We have some exercises about it! Click here.
See you!
Hoje veremos a diferença entre "I'd Better" e "I'd Rather".
I'd Rather:
Forma comum e informal de expressar preferência.
É formado por Would + Rather + um verbo na forma base:
"I'd rather go home than stay here."
("Eu prefiro ir pra casa do que ficar aqui.")
Sua forma negativa é "would rather not"
"I'd rather not stay here and go home."
("Eu prefiro não ficar aqui e ir para casa.")
Sua forma interrogativa é Would + sujeito + rather + verbo no forma base:
"Would you rather watch horror movies or comedy?"
("Você prefere assistir filmes de terror ou comédia?")
I'd Better:
Usamos para dar conselhos. Equivale ao "Should" (Deveria).
É formado por Had Better + Verbo na forma base:
"You'd better pay attention to your teacher."
("Você deveria prestar atenção ao seu professor.")
Sua forma negativa é "had better not" apesar de não ser muito usada.
"You'd better not talk to them."
("É melhor você não falar com eles.")
Não existe forma interrogativa.
Para exercícios, click aqui.
See you!
January 13, 2011
Listening - The Best Thing About Me Is You
Hello World!
Hoje ouviremos a música "The Best Thing About Me Is You", de Ricky Martin. Segue o vídeo abaixo:
Espero que goste...
See you!
Hoje ouviremos a música "The Best Thing About Me Is You", de Ricky Martin. Segue o vídeo abaixo:
Espero que goste...
See you!
January 11, 2011
Between and Among
What's up?
Você sabe a diferença entre Between e Among? Ambos significam "entre" (entre alguma coisa, não verbo entrar), mas o jeito de usar cada um é diferente.
Usamos between para duas coisas, como nos exemplos:
I am between the door and the window.
He is between two chairs.
Usamos among para mais de duas coisas, como nos exemplos:
He is among the dead.
There's a spy among us.
Por hoje é só. No próximo post, exercícios sobre isso.
See you!
Você sabe a diferença entre Between e Among? Ambos significam "entre" (entre alguma coisa, não verbo entrar), mas o jeito de usar cada um é diferente.
Usamos between para duas coisas, como nos exemplos:
I am between the door and the window.
He is between two chairs.
![]() |
From http://www.huffingtonpost.com |
Usamos among para mais de duas coisas, como nos exemplos:
He is among the dead.
There's a spy among us.
![]() |
From saynotocrack.com |
Por hoje é só. No próximo post, exercícios sobre isso.
See you!
January 10, 2011
Past Continuous and Past Perfect
Hey there!
Hoje veremos o uso do Past Continuous e do Past Perfect. O Past Continuous é o verbo To Be na forma de passado, acrescido de um verbo no gerúndio, ou seja, com terminação em -ing. Observe:
I was doing
You were doing
He/ She/ It was doing
We were doing
They were doing
I was doing this yesterday.
Were you working here?
They were not watching you in the shower!
Agora, o Past Perfect é o verbo To Have na forma passada e um verbo no particípio, ou seja, com terminação -ed (os regulares).
I had studied a lot that year!
We had done it some time ago.
Agora, como saber como usar cada um? Veja abaixo:
Usamos o Past Continuous:
- Para ações simultâneas;
- Descrição de ações ocorrendo em algum momento do passado;
- Ações interrompidas...
Usamos o Past Perfect para:
- Para ações anteriores a outras no passado
Usamos o Had antes do sujeito em perguntas:
Had you seen that?
Had she done this?
A forma negativa é Hadn't (had not):
I hadn't seen that!
She hadn't done this.
Basicamente, usamos o Past Continuous da mesma forma que usamos o nosso "estava fazendo". Quando você diz "estava fazendo", em português, em inglês você diria "I was doing". Uma boa tradução para o Past Perfect seria "havia [feito]". Você também pode usar o "tinha [feito]", mas fica um pouco estranho falar assim...
Por hoje é só.
See you!
Hoje veremos o uso do Past Continuous e do Past Perfect. O Past Continuous é o verbo To Be na forma de passado, acrescido de um verbo no gerúndio, ou seja, com terminação em -ing. Observe:
I was doing
You were doing
He/ She/ It was doing
We were doing
They were doing
I was doing this yesterday.
Were you working here?
They were not watching you in the shower!
Agora, o Past Perfect é o verbo To Have na forma passada e um verbo no particípio, ou seja, com terminação -ed (os regulares).
I had studied a lot that year!
We had done it some time ago.
Agora, como saber como usar cada um? Veja abaixo:
Usamos o Past Continuous:
- Para ações simultâneas;
- Descrição de ações ocorrendo em algum momento do passado;
- Ações interrompidas...
Usamos o Past Perfect para:
- Para ações anteriores a outras no passado
Usamos o Had antes do sujeito em perguntas:
Had you seen that?
Had she done this?
A forma negativa é Hadn't (had not):
I hadn't seen that!
She hadn't done this.
Basicamente, usamos o Past Continuous da mesma forma que usamos o nosso "estava fazendo". Quando você diz "estava fazendo", em português, em inglês você diria "I was doing". Uma boa tradução para o Past Perfect seria "havia [feito]". Você também pode usar o "tinha [feito]", mas fica um pouco estranho falar assim...
Por hoje é só.
See you!
January 08, 2011
Hoje veremos os tipos de humor (mood). Observe essas frases:
I was really excited to watch the movie.
Danny was exhausted. He ran ten kilometers!
Nathan was furious when his brother mocked him.
I was amazed to see how many people there were.
Julie felt miserable when her friends made her smoke.
We're terrified of passing under a ladder.
Agora veja os adjetivos abaixo. Olhe o exemplo para entender o que fazer:
terrified exhausted excited furious amazed miserable
Example: very tired = exhausted
a) very angry
b) very afraid
c) very surprised
d) very sad
e) very happy
Por hoje é só pessoal!
See you!
Hoje veremos os tipos de humor (mood). Observe essas frases:
I was really excited to watch the movie.
Danny was exhausted. He ran ten kilometers!
Nathan was furious when his brother mocked him.
I was amazed to see how many people there were.
Julie felt miserable when her friends made her smoke.
We're terrified of passing under a ladder.
Agora veja os adjetivos abaixo. Olhe o exemplo para entender o que fazer:
terrified exhausted excited furious amazed miserable
Example: very tired = exhausted
a) very angry
b) very afraid
c) very surprised
d) very sad
e) very happy
Por hoje é só pessoal!
See you!
January 07, 2011
Present Perfect Simples and Continuous - Exercises and Answers
To check if you really understood the previous subject, today we bring you some exercises.
Para ver se você realmente aprendeu o conteúdo da aula passada, iremos resolver alguns exercícios hoje.
1. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences:
a) I know which movie you're talking about. I _____ it.
- 've already seen
- 've been seing
b) I _____ my geography book and I don't know what to do.
- 've lost
- 've been losing
c) Stop it! You _____ this noise for about five minutes now.
- 've made
- 've been making
2. Choose the alternative that means the same as in the sentences below:
a) I've been thinking about you lately.
I still do it / I did in the past
b) I've taken lots of vitamins to make sure I wouldn't get sick.
I still do it / I did it in the past
c) I've been writing a lot recently.
I still do it / I did it in the past
d) I've written more than twenty emails this week.
These emails are ready / I'm still writing the emails.
a) 've already seen
b) 've lost
c) 've been making
a) I still do it.
b) I did it in the past.
c) I still do it.
d) These emails are ready.
That's all for today. See you in the next post.
Por hoje é só. Nos vemos no próximo post.
See you!
To check if you really understood the previous subject, today we bring you some exercises.
Para ver se você realmente aprendeu o conteúdo da aula passada, iremos resolver alguns exercícios hoje.
1. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences:
a) I know which movie you're talking about. I _____ it.
- 've already seen
- 've been seing
b) I _____ my geography book and I don't know what to do.
- 've lost
- 've been losing
c) Stop it! You _____ this noise for about five minutes now.
- 've made
- 've been making
2. Choose the alternative that means the same as in the sentences below:
a) I've been thinking about you lately.
I still do it / I did in the past
b) I've taken lots of vitamins to make sure I wouldn't get sick.
I still do it / I did it in the past
c) I've been writing a lot recently.
I still do it / I did it in the past
d) I've written more than twenty emails this week.
These emails are ready / I'm still writing the emails.
a) 've already seen
b) 've lost
c) 've been making
a) I still do it.
b) I did it in the past.
c) I still do it.
d) These emails are ready.
That's all for today. See you in the next post.
Por hoje é só. Nos vemos no próximo post.
See you!
January 06, 2011
Listening - Raise Your Glass
What's up?
Hoje veremos a música a música da Pink, Raise Your Glass:
Segue o link:
Espero que gostem
See you!
Hoje veremos a música a música da Pink, Raise Your Glass:
Segue o link:
Espero que gostem
See you!
January 05, 2011
Present Perfect Simple and Continuous
Hoje veremos os tempos verbais Present Perfect Simple (P.P.Simples) e o Continuous (P.P.Conti). A seguir, temos as estruturas dos dois:
Subject + verb To Have + verb in past participle
I have worked hard! (I've)
She has done all the homework. (She's)
Subject + verb To Have + been + verb -ing
I have been doing that for long. (I've)
She has been studying here for 5 years. (She's)
Agora, veja como usar cada um:
Usamos P.P.Simples quando:
- para ações terminadas
Ex.: I've read five pages of this book so far. (Você já terminou de ler)
- para ênfase na quantidade
Ex.: I've changed schools three times.
Usamos P.P.Conti quando:
- para ações ainda em andamento
Ex.: I've been reading this book for a month. (Você ainda está lendo)
- para ênfase na duração
Ex.: They have been bullying me for two months now.
Para casos em que a duração é longa, usamos o P.P.Simples: I've lived in São Paulo all my life.
Para casos em que a duração é curta, usamos o P.P.Conti: I've been living in this building for two months.
Alguns verbos não ocorrem na forma de gerúndio, como like, love, hate, understand, need, want, exist... Com eles, usamos o P.P.Simples, não importa a duração ou permanência: I've known her for two weeks.
No próximo post, alguns exercícios sobre isso...
See you!
Hoje veremos os tempos verbais Present Perfect Simple (P.P.Simples) e o Continuous (P.P.Conti). A seguir, temos as estruturas dos dois:
Subject + verb To Have + verb in past participle
I have worked hard! (I've)
She has done all the homework. (She's)
Subject + verb To Have + been + verb -ing
I have been doing that for long. (I've)
She has been studying here for 5 years. (She's)
Agora, veja como usar cada um:
Usamos P.P.Simples quando:
- para ações terminadas
Ex.: I've read five pages of this book so far. (Você já terminou de ler)
- para ênfase na quantidade
Ex.: I've changed schools three times.
Usamos P.P.Conti quando:
- para ações ainda em andamento
Ex.: I've been reading this book for a month. (Você ainda está lendo)
- para ênfase na duração
Ex.: They have been bullying me for two months now.
Para casos em que a duração é longa, usamos o P.P.Simples: I've lived in São Paulo all my life.
Para casos em que a duração é curta, usamos o P.P.Conti: I've been living in this building for two months.
Alguns verbos não ocorrem na forma de gerúndio, como like, love, hate, understand, need, want, exist... Com eles, usamos o P.P.Simples, não importa a duração ou permanência: I've known her for two weeks.
No próximo post, alguns exercícios sobre isso...
See you!
January 04, 2011
Present Perfect x Simple Past
HAPPY 2011!
Today we're going to learn the difference between Present Perfect and Simple Past. This probably confuses you...
Let's cut to the chase:
As you know, both Simple Past and Present Perfect present a situation in the past, but the difference is that, basically, when using the Simple Past, you say the time when something happened. You don't say the time when something happened if you're using the Present Perfect. Look at these sentences:
I did it yesterday.
I have done this.
We studied Geography for four hours.
We have studied Geography.
What did you say two minutes ago?
What have you said?
There are some adverbs that you can use with the Present Perfect like "just", "already", "up to now", "until now" / "till now", "ever", "(not) yet", "so far", "lately" / "recently"...
"I've just phoned her!"
"I have never been to Italy."
"I have seen that movie already."
- Use it with the Present Perfect when the action is not finished:
Ex.: "I have lived there for ten years, I still live there."
- Use it with the Simple Past when the action is finished already:
Ex.: "I lived there for ten years, I moved when my husband died..."
- Use it in questions with the meaning of "already":
"Have you done the dishes yet?"
- Use it in negative sentences with the meaning of "still":
"I have not done the dishes yet..."
- With affirmative sentences use the adverb already:
"I have done the dishes already."
I hope you get it!
See you!
FELIZ 2011!
Hoje vamos ver a diferença entre o Present Perfect e o Simple Past. Isso provavelmente confunde você... Sem mais delongas, vamos lá:
Como você sabe, ambos indicam passado, mas a diferença é que no Simple Past aparece o tempo em que a ação ocorreu. Já no Present Perfect, não. Observe:
I did it yesterday.
I have done this.
We studied Geography for four hours.
We have studied Geography.
What did you say two minutes ago?
What have you said?
Existem alguns advérbios que você pode usar com o Present Perfect como "just", "already", "up to now", "until now" / "till now", "ever", "(not) yet", "so far", "lately" / "recently"...
"I've just phoned her!"
"I have never been to Italy."
"I have seen that movie already."
- Use-o com o Present Perfect quando a ação não estiver terminada:
Ex.: "I have lived there for ten years, I still live there."
- Use-o com o Simple Past quando a ação já estiver terminada:
Ex.: "I lived there for ten years, I moved when my husband died..."
- Use-o em perguntas com o significado de "already" (já):
"Have you done the dishes yet?"
- Use-o em frases negativas com o significado de "still" (ainda):
"I have not done the dishes yet..."
- Com frases afirmativas, use o advérbio already:
"I have done the dishes already."
Espero que compreenda.
See you!
HAPPY 2011!
Today we're going to learn the difference between Present Perfect and Simple Past. This probably confuses you...
Let's cut to the chase:
As you know, both Simple Past and Present Perfect present a situation in the past, but the difference is that, basically, when using the Simple Past, you say the time when something happened. You don't say the time when something happened if you're using the Present Perfect. Look at these sentences:
I did it yesterday.
I have done this.
We studied Geography for four hours.
We have studied Geography.
What did you say two minutes ago?
What have you said?
There are some adverbs that you can use with the Present Perfect like "just", "already", "up to now", "until now" / "till now", "ever", "(not) yet", "so far", "lately" / "recently"...
"I've just phoned her!"
"I have never been to Italy."
"I have seen that movie already."
- Use it with the Present Perfect when the action is not finished:
Ex.: "I have lived there for ten years, I still live there."
- Use it with the Simple Past when the action is finished already:
Ex.: "I lived there for ten years, I moved when my husband died..."
- Use it in questions with the meaning of "already":
"Have you done the dishes yet?"
- Use it in negative sentences with the meaning of "still":
"I have not done the dishes yet..."
- With affirmative sentences use the adverb already:
"I have done the dishes already."
I hope you get it!
See you!
FELIZ 2011!
Hoje vamos ver a diferença entre o Present Perfect e o Simple Past. Isso provavelmente confunde você... Sem mais delongas, vamos lá:
Como você sabe, ambos indicam passado, mas a diferença é que no Simple Past aparece o tempo em que a ação ocorreu. Já no Present Perfect, não. Observe:
I did it yesterday.
I have done this.
We studied Geography for four hours.
We have studied Geography.
What did you say two minutes ago?
What have you said?
Existem alguns advérbios que você pode usar com o Present Perfect como "just", "already", "up to now", "until now" / "till now", "ever", "(not) yet", "so far", "lately" / "recently"...
"I've just phoned her!"
"I have never been to Italy."
"I have seen that movie already."
- Use-o com o Present Perfect quando a ação não estiver terminada:
Ex.: "I have lived there for ten years, I still live there."
- Use-o com o Simple Past quando a ação já estiver terminada:
Ex.: "I lived there for ten years, I moved when my husband died..."
- Use-o em perguntas com o significado de "already" (já):
"Have you done the dishes yet?"
- Use-o em frases negativas com o significado de "still" (ainda):
"I have not done the dishes yet..."
- Com frases afirmativas, use o advérbio already:
"I have done the dishes already."
Espero que compreenda.
See you!
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