May 18, 2011


Hello people!

Today you're going to learn some vocabulary about Clothing. Read the dialogue below carefully:

Daughter: Mom, I don't know what to wear! I'm in doubt between wearing skirts and leggings or just this dress.
Mother: Daughter, you should wear this beautiful dress in your prom. It combines with your skin.
Daughter: I don't want to wear this dress, mom. I want to wear the other one, with long sleeves.
Mother: Ok, but what are you going to put on your feet?
Daughter: I haven't decided yet... What about that blue high heels?
Mother: No, wear the red ones.
Daughter: Great combination! Thanks mom!
Mother: You're welcome! Have you decided how you'll apply makeup?
Daughter: Yeah.
Mother: Ok. Now I'll see if your brother is ready to go.
Daughter: Ok.
    The mother goes to her son's bedroom.
Mother: Son! Are you ready?
Son: I'm almost ready.
Mother: Can I get into your room?
Son: Yes, you can.
Mother: Wow, you're so beautiful!
Son: Oh, thanks mom!
Mother: You're welcome.
Son: Mom, which shirt should I wear?
Mother: The white one.
Son: Ok. What about the suit? Pinstripe or not?
Mother: Pinstripe. Johnny Depp has worn one like this.
Son: Oh mother. Do you know everything about Johnny Depp? You know even what clothes he wears!
Mother: Haha, I love him! - they look at each other -  But I love you first.
Son: I love you too, mom.

Did you like this story? I know who created it, but I don't want to tell...
In the next post, you'll have to answer some questions about this story.

See you!

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