Na aula passada, vimos os verbos regulares no passado do Inglês. Hoje veremos os verbo irregulares.
O passado de verbos irregulares apresenta várias formas, por isso é necessário DECORAR.
"That is true", I said. (Verb To Say)
He sat down on the chair. (Verb To Sit)
A seguir, uma lista resumida de verbos irregulares:
To Be - Was/ Were
To Have - Had
To Go - Went
To Do - Did
To Come - Came
To See - Saw
To Say - Said
To Write - Wrote
Para mais verbos, consulte na internet...
Nas formas negativas, usamos as mesmas regras dos verbos regulares:
I didn't see him yesterday.
Did you go Larissa's house yesterday?
Por hoje é só... Próxima aula, exercises.
See you!
October 30, 2010
October 27, 2010
Simple Past - Regular Verbs
Hello everybody!
Hoje iremos aprender um pouco sobre verbo regulares no passado. Como você já deve saber, Verbos Regulares são aqueles que seguem o mesmo padrão, certo? Certo. Em inglês, esses verbos, no passado, receberão uma terminação -ed. Observe:
Essa é a forma Afirmativa:
I lived here two years ago. (To Live)
They moved to South Africa. (To Move)
Você acha que, assim como no Presente, no Passado também devemos acrescentar -s no verbo para He, She, e It? Se você respondeu sim, você errou.
Não devemos fazer isso.
He studied a lot to get good grades in school.
She returned to Lisbon in 1905.
That dog liked big bones.
A Forma Negativa:
Para dizermos uma frase negativa no presente, usamos don't, certo? Sim. Mas como é passado, usamos "didn't" ou "did + not". Observe:
I didn't know her.
She didn't speak French.
Note que o verbo fica em sua Forma Base. Basta colocarmos o didn't e o verbo na Forma Base.
A Forma Interrogativa:
Igual no Presente:
Did you work all night long?
Did Albert think I'm beautiful?
Did na frente do sujeito da frase e verbo na Base Form.
Did you understand?
I hope so...
Next class, Irregular Verbs and Exercises.
See you!
Hoje iremos aprender um pouco sobre verbo regulares no passado. Como você já deve saber, Verbos Regulares são aqueles que seguem o mesmo padrão, certo? Certo. Em inglês, esses verbos, no passado, receberão uma terminação -ed. Observe:
Essa é a forma Afirmativa:
I lived here two years ago. (To Live)
They moved to South Africa. (To Move)
Você acha que, assim como no Presente, no Passado também devemos acrescentar -s no verbo para He, She, e It? Se você respondeu sim, você errou.
Não devemos fazer isso.
He studied a lot to get good grades in school.
She returned to Lisbon in 1905.
That dog liked big bones.
A Forma Negativa:
Para dizermos uma frase negativa no presente, usamos don't, certo? Sim. Mas como é passado, usamos "didn't" ou "did + not". Observe:
I didn't know her.
She didn't speak French.
Note que o verbo fica em sua Forma Base. Basta colocarmos o didn't e o verbo na Forma Base.
A Forma Interrogativa:
Igual no Presente:
Did you work all night long?
Did Albert think I'm beautiful?
Did na frente do sujeito da frase e verbo na Base Form.
Did you understand?
I hope so...
Next class, Irregular Verbs and Exercises.
See you!
Listening - Parachute
A música de hoje é Parachute, de Cheryl Cole. Essa música repete um pouco o refrão, possibilitando a entendeção (do verbo Entender).
Cheryl Cole - Parachute
Por hoje é só...
See you!
A música de hoje é Parachute, de Cheryl Cole. Essa música repete um pouco o refrão, possibilitando a entendeção (do verbo Entender).
Cheryl Cole - Parachute
Por hoje é só...
See you!
October 26, 2010
P. A. P. and Possessive Pronouns - Exercises and Answers
Like I had said, today you will have the chance to train your skills about the Pronouns we've learned so far, except the Object Pronouns. So let's go!
Como disse, hoje vocês terão a oportunidade de treinar suas habilidades a respeito dos Pronomes aprendidos até hoje, exceto os Object Pronouns. Sem mais delongas, começemos!
1. Choose the right Possessive Adjective Pronoun to complete each sentence. Follow the example:
I can give him my e-mail address.
a) You can be _____ wife if you marry me.
b) I don't know if I'm _____ brother. He is very different from me.
c) This dog has _____ own mouth. I don't need to help it to eat.
d) He and _____ sister have the same parents.
e) She and I have _____ own computer.
f) They don't know that those are _____ keys.
g) She can give me _____ e-mail address.
2. Choose the correct Possessive Pronoun to complete the sentences. Follow the example:
Is this your book? ---> Yes, it's mine!
a) Is this his pen?
Yes, it's _____.
b) Are these Anne's books?
Yes, they are _____.
c) Is this your key?
No, it's not _____.
d) Are those books ours?
No, they're not. They are Alfred and Joe's books. These books are _____.
e) Is this my bone?
No, this is our dog's bone. This one is _____.
3. Choose the correct option:
a) Roger is a freind of [I / yours].
b) Is this pen drive [our / theirs]?
c) My cat likes [our / its] tail.
d) [Ours / Your] book is big but [mine / their] is complete!
e) [His / Theirs] e-mail address is easy to memorize.
a) my
b) his
c) its
d) his
e) our
f) their
g) her
a) yours
b) theirs
c) its
d) Your/ mine
e) His
That's all for today.
Por hoje é só. Next class we are going to learn about Past Simple.
See you!
Like I had said, today you will have the chance to train your skills about the Pronouns we've learned so far, except the Object Pronouns. So let's go!
Como disse, hoje vocês terão a oportunidade de treinar suas habilidades a respeito dos Pronomes aprendidos até hoje, exceto os Object Pronouns. Sem mais delongas, começemos!
1. Choose the right Possessive Adjective Pronoun to complete each sentence. Follow the example:
I can give him my e-mail address.
a) You can be _____ wife if you marry me.
b) I don't know if I'm _____ brother. He is very different from me.
c) This dog has _____ own mouth. I don't need to help it to eat.
d) He and _____ sister have the same parents.
e) She and I have _____ own computer.
f) They don't know that those are _____ keys.
g) She can give me _____ e-mail address.
2. Choose the correct Possessive Pronoun to complete the sentences. Follow the example:
Is this your book? ---> Yes, it's mine!
a) Is this his pen?
Yes, it's _____.
b) Are these Anne's books?
Yes, they are _____.
c) Is this your key?
No, it's not _____.
d) Are those books ours?
No, they're not. They are Alfred and Joe's books. These books are _____.
e) Is this my bone?
No, this is our dog's bone. This one is _____.
3. Choose the correct option:
a) Roger is a freind of [I / yours].
b) Is this pen drive [our / theirs]?
c) My cat likes [our / its] tail.
d) [Ours / Your] book is big but [mine / their] is complete!
e) [His / Theirs] e-mail address is easy to memorize.
a) my
b) his
c) its
d) his
e) our
f) their
g) her
a) his
b) hers
c) mine
d) theirs
e) yours
a) his
b) hers
c) mine
d) theirs
e) yours
a) yours
b) theirs
c) its
d) Your/ mine
e) His
That's all for today.
Por hoje é só. Next class we are going to learn about Past Simple.
See you!
October 25, 2010
Possessive Pronouns
Na aula de hoje, veremos os Possessive Pronouns (Pronomes Posessivos).
Vocês se lembram que, na aula passada, eu disse que os Possessive Adjectives Pronouns vem seguidos de um substantivo? Olhe o exemplo:
This is my book.
My - Possessive Adjective Pronoun (P. A. P.)
Book - Noun (Substantivo).
Ao contrário deles, os Possessive Pronouns não vem seguidos de substantivo. Eles são as última palavra da frase. Observe:
I - Mine
You - Yours
He - His
She - Hers
It - Its
We - Ours
They - Theirs
This book is mine.
O substantivo vem antes do Posessive Pronoun.
Veja outros exemplos:
This is Jessica's book. This book is hers.
Roger is a friend of ours. (Quando queremos disse que, por exemplo, "Roger é um amigo nosso", usamos a preposição "of" para dizer nosso.)
Chris is the brother of hers.
This pen drive is theirs.
Your (P. A. P.) computer is beautiful, but ours is faster. (Pode não estar no fim da frase, mas o sentido dela nos obriga a colocar o Pronoun na forma correta, "o nosso")
Por hoje é só. Na próxima aula, exercises about Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives Pronouns.
See you!
Na aula de hoje, veremos os Possessive Pronouns (Pronomes Posessivos).
Vocês se lembram que, na aula passada, eu disse que os Possessive Adjectives Pronouns vem seguidos de um substantivo? Olhe o exemplo:
This is my book.
My - Possessive Adjective Pronoun (P. A. P.)
Book - Noun (Substantivo).
Ao contrário deles, os Possessive Pronouns não vem seguidos de substantivo. Eles são as última palavra da frase. Observe:
I - Mine
You - Yours
He - His
She - Hers
It - Its
We - Ours
They - Theirs
This book is mine.
O substantivo vem antes do Posessive Pronoun.
Veja outros exemplos:
This is Jessica's book. This book is hers.
Roger is a friend of ours. (Quando queremos disse que, por exemplo, "Roger é um amigo nosso", usamos a preposição "of" para dizer nosso.)
Chris is the brother of hers.
This pen drive is theirs.
Your (P. A. P.) computer is beautiful, but ours is faster. (Pode não estar no fim da frase, mas o sentido dela nos obriga a colocar o Pronoun na forma correta, "o nosso")
Por hoje é só. Na próxima aula, exercises about Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives Pronouns.
See you!
October 23, 2010
Possessive Adjectives
Na aula de hoje, iremos aprender os Possessive Adjectives, que são os que expressão posse. Geralmente, são seguidos de um substantivo.
I - My
You - Your
He - His
She - Her
It - Its
We - Our
They - Their
Está ligado com a coisa possupida:
This is my book.
That is her pencil.
These are his dogs.
I like your voice.
This is their book.
We like our teachers.
Rio de Janeiro is famous for its beaches and mountains.
Tem o significado de:
My - Meu.
Your - Seu.
His - Dele.
Her - Dela.
Its - Dele, dela, para coisas ou objetos.
Our - Nosso.
Their - Deles.
Na próxima postagem, passarei alguns exercícios sobre isso. Preste muita atenção no que postei hoje, para responder às perguntas no próximo post.
See you!
Na aula de hoje, iremos aprender os Possessive Adjectives, que são os que expressão posse. Geralmente, são seguidos de um substantivo.
I - My
You - Your
He - His
She - Her
It - Its
We - Our
They - Their
Está ligado com a coisa possupida:
This is my book.
That is her pencil.
These are his dogs.
I like your voice.
This is their book.
We like our teachers.
Rio de Janeiro is famous for its beaches and mountains.
Tem o significado de:
My - Meu.
Your - Seu.
His - Dele.
Her - Dela.
Its - Dele, dela, para coisas ou objetos.
Our - Nosso.
Their - Deles.
Na próxima postagem, passarei alguns exercícios sobre isso. Preste muita atenção no que postei hoje, para responder às perguntas no próximo post.
See you!
October 22, 2010
Possessive Case - Exercises and Answers
Hey people!
In today's class, I'm gonna post some exercices about 's. You remember the Possessive Case, right? If you don't, reread the previous posts.
In the previous post, I didn't talk about irregular plural. I'll just give you now a short explanation:
Irregular plurals are those words which don't have an "s" in the end, in English. For example:
Woman (singular) - Women (plural) (You can't say "womans")
Man (singular) - Men (plural) (You can't say "mans")
Child (singular) - Children (plural) (You can't say "childs")
Now let's move on.
Na aula de hoje, postarei alguns exercícios sobre o 's. Vocês se lembram do Caso Possessivo, não é? Se não, volte às postagens anteriores e leia novamente para entender, ok?
No último post, não comentei a respeito de plural irregular. Apenas darei uma básica explicação:
Plurais irregulares são aqueles que não acabam em "s" no Inglês, por example:
Woman - Women (Mulher - Mulheres)
Man - Men (Homem - Homens)
Child - Children (Criança - Crianças)
Agora podemos prosseguir:
1. Rewrite the sentences according to the example:
Ex.: Paul has a brother --> Paul's brother
a) Wendy has a toy.
b) Those women have a car.
c) Ingrid has a lot of books.
d) Chris and Gabriel have a law firm.
e) Gabriel has a law firm and Chris has a law firm.
2. Write P for Possessive Case or C for the is/ has contracted form:
a) Pricilla's Japanese.
b) Jake's e-pal is Brazilian.
c) My mother's gone to the Island.
d) It's a beautiful night.
e) Today's tragedy is tomorrow's news.
Obs.: News = Notícia (Singular and Plural).
a) Wendy's toy
b) Those women's car
c) Ingrid's books
d) Chris and Gabriel's law firm
e) Gabriel's and Chris law firm
a) C
b) P
c) C
d) C
e) P
I hope you got it...
Espero que tenham entendido...
See you!
In today's class, I'm gonna post some exercices about 's. You remember the Possessive Case, right? If you don't, reread the previous posts.
In the previous post, I didn't talk about irregular plural. I'll just give you now a short explanation:
Irregular plurals are those words which don't have an "s" in the end, in English. For example:
Woman (singular) - Women (plural) (You can't say "womans")
Man (singular) - Men (plural) (You can't say "mans")
Child (singular) - Children (plural) (You can't say "childs")
Now let's move on.
Na aula de hoje, postarei alguns exercícios sobre o 's. Vocês se lembram do Caso Possessivo, não é? Se não, volte às postagens anteriores e leia novamente para entender, ok?
No último post, não comentei a respeito de plural irregular. Apenas darei uma básica explicação:
Plurais irregulares são aqueles que não acabam em "s" no Inglês, por example:
Woman - Women (Mulher - Mulheres)
Man - Men (Homem - Homens)
Child - Children (Criança - Crianças)
Agora podemos prosseguir:
1. Rewrite the sentences according to the example:
Ex.: Paul has a brother --> Paul's brother
a) Wendy has a toy.
b) Those women have a car.
c) Ingrid has a lot of books.
d) Chris and Gabriel have a law firm.
e) Gabriel has a law firm and Chris has a law firm.
2. Write P for Possessive Case or C for the is/ has contracted form:
a) Pricilla's Japanese.
b) Jake's e-pal is Brazilian.
c) My mother's gone to the Island.
d) It's a beautiful night.
e) Today's tragedy is tomorrow's news.
Obs.: News = Notícia (Singular and Plural).
a) Wendy's toy
b) Those women's car
c) Ingrid's books
d) Chris and Gabriel's law firm
e) Gabriel's and Chris law firm
a) C
b) P
c) C
d) C
e) P
I hope you got it...
Espero que tenham entendido...
See you!
October 21, 2010
Possessive Case
Hello World!
Na aula de hoje, iremos aprender o Possessive Case, ou Caso Possessivo, que indica posse.
Esse caso é formado por apóstrofo (') + s.
Tem o significado de "da", "de" ou "do".
This is my brother's car.
Se fossemos traduzir essa frase, teríamos "Esse é meu irmão do carro". Mas como esse é o Caso Possessivo, invertemos a ordem:
This is my brother's car.
"Esse é o carro do meu irmão."
Veja mais exemplos:
Today's class (aula de hoje)
Today's newspaper (jornal de hoje)
My father's house (casa do meu pai)
Caso a palavra que aparece antes do 's termine com "s", ou esteja no plural (plural regular), basta apenas colocar o apóstrofo:
Jonathas' blog (blog do Jonathas) (nome que termina em "s").
The dentists' association (a associação dos dentistas) (plural regular).
Quando há mais de um possuidor, basta usar apenas um 's. Ele vai no último nome:
Anne and Jullie's Mother is beautiful ( A mãe da Anne e da Jullie é bonita).
Por terem a mesma mãe, usamos apenas um apóstrofo s.
Se a coisa possuída não é comum para todos, usamos um 's para cada um:
Anne's and Jullie's works are good (Os trabalhos da Anne e os da jullie são bons).
Mas cuidado, pois essa contração é usada no Verbo To Be, No Verbo To Have e no Possessive Case
Se depois do 's tiver um verbo terminando em "ing" ou um adjetivo, você saberá que esse 's é do Verbo To Be.
Se depois do 's tiver um verbo no Past Participle (ensinarei mais tarde), você saberá que é Verbo To Have.
Se depois do 's tiver "uma coisa possuída", você saberá que é Possessive Case.
Verb To Be:
He's doing the work.
He's beautiful.
Verbo To Have:
He's gone to Bahia (Ele tem ido para a Bahia).
He's got a gift (Ele tem conseguido um presente).
Espero que teha entedido. Eu tenho msn.
See you!
Na aula de hoje, iremos aprender o Possessive Case, ou Caso Possessivo, que indica posse.
Esse caso é formado por apóstrofo (') + s.
Tem o significado de "da", "de" ou "do".
This is my brother's car.
Se fossemos traduzir essa frase, teríamos "Esse é meu irmão do carro". Mas como esse é o Caso Possessivo, invertemos a ordem:
This is my brother's car.
"Esse é o carro do meu irmão."
Veja mais exemplos:
Today's class (aula de hoje)
Today's newspaper (jornal de hoje)
My father's house (casa do meu pai)
Caso a palavra que aparece antes do 's termine com "s", ou esteja no plural (plural regular), basta apenas colocar o apóstrofo:
Jonathas' blog (blog do Jonathas) (nome que termina em "s").
The dentists' association (a associação dos dentistas) (plural regular).
Quando há mais de um possuidor, basta usar apenas um 's. Ele vai no último nome:
Anne and Jullie's Mother is beautiful ( A mãe da Anne e da Jullie é bonita).
Por terem a mesma mãe, usamos apenas um apóstrofo s.
Se a coisa possuída não é comum para todos, usamos um 's para cada um:
Anne's and Jullie's works are good (Os trabalhos da Anne e os da jullie são bons).
Mas cuidado, pois essa contração é usada no Verbo To Be, No Verbo To Have e no Possessive Case
Se depois do 's tiver um verbo terminando em "ing" ou um adjetivo, você saberá que esse 's é do Verbo To Be.
Se depois do 's tiver um verbo no Past Participle (ensinarei mais tarde), você saberá que é Verbo To Have.
Se depois do 's tiver "uma coisa possuída", você saberá que é Possessive Case.
Verb To Be:
He's doing the work.
He's beautiful.
Verbo To Have:
He's gone to Bahia (Ele tem ido para a Bahia).
He's got a gift (Ele tem conseguido um presente).
Espero que teha entedido. Eu tenho msn.
See you!
October 19, 2010
Listening - A different side of me
Hey guys!
Today, "A Different Side of Me, by Allstar Weekend:
Hoje, "A Different Side of Me, da banda Allstar Weekend:
A Different Side of Me:
A Different Side of Me
I hope you like it.
Espero que gostem.
See you!
Today, "A Different Side of Me, by Allstar Weekend:
Hoje, "A Different Side of Me, da banda Allstar Weekend:
A Different Side of Me:
A Different Side of Me
I'd be living the dream
If my life switched with the football team.
And I'd be praised by my friends
If I was driving a Mercedes Benz.
If my life switched with the football team.
And I'd be praised by my friends
If I was driving a Mercedes Benz.
Do I know?
What I know?
What I know?
I wanna be a rockstar, a superhero,
Living the dream; doing the things that
I always wanted.
I wanna see my face on that tv,
With my picture on the cover
Where my friends could see a different side of me.
Living the dream; doing the things that
I always wanted.
I wanna see my face on that tv,
With my picture on the cover
Where my friends could see a different side of me.
I'm barely 5 foot 8.
No muscle man but I can roller skate.
Not the biggest sports fan,
But the band drives a mean mini-van
No muscle man but I can roller skate.
Not the biggest sports fan,
But the band drives a mean mini-van
Do I know?
What I know?
What I know?
I wanna be a rockstar, a superhero,
Living the dream; doing the things that
I always wanted.
I wanna see my face on that tv,
With my picture on the cover
Where my friends could see a different side of me
Living the dream; doing the things that
I always wanted.
I wanna see my face on that tv,
With my picture on the cover
Where my friends could see a different side of me
I know everything
Is gonna change for me.
If I can make it then you'll see
That there's a different me.
I won't be waiting
For my life to pass ahead of me.
So I know you'll see
A different side of me.
Is gonna change for me.
If I can make it then you'll see
That there's a different me.
I won't be waiting
For my life to pass ahead of me.
So I know you'll see
A different side of me.
I wanna be a rockstar, a superhero,
Living the dream; doing the things that
I always wanted.
Living the dream; doing the things that
I always wanted.
I wanna be a rockstar, a superhero,
Living the dream; doing the things that
I always wanted.
Living the dream; doing the things that
I always wanted.
I wanna be a rockstar, a superhero,
Living the dream; doing the things that
I always wanted.
I wanna see my face on that tv,
With my picture on the cover
But you'll never have to wonder,
Cause I'm not like all the others,
But my friends will see
A different side of me
Living the dream; doing the things that
I always wanted.
I wanna see my face on that tv,
With my picture on the cover
But you'll never have to wonder,
Cause I'm not like all the others,
But my friends will see
A different side of me
A different side of me,
A different side of me,
A different side of me,
A different side of me.
A different side of me,
A different side of me,
A different side of me.
I hope you like it.
Espero que gostem.
See you!
October 18, 2010
Object Pronouns - Exercises and Answers
In the previous class, I explained about the Object Pronouns. I hope you remember it, 'cause in today's class I'm gonna post some exercises. If you don't remember, read the previous post.
Na aula passada, explique a respeito dos Object Pronouns. Espero que você se lembre, pois na aula de hoje, irei postar alguns exercícios. Caso não se lembre, volte na postagem anterior.
b) Paul can see us and we can see _____.
c) Donna can see them and they can see _____.
d) The bird can see the man and the man can see _____.
e) We can see them and they can see _____.
f) They can see us and we can see _____.
g) I can see her and she can see _____.
2. Change the sentences following the example:
Example: "I play soccer with Guga."
I play soccer with him.
a) Everybody knows Gustavo Kuerten as Guga.
b) I love my English teacher.
c) Charles Miller brought soccer in the 20th century.
d) I work with that woman.
e) My brother is in love with two people.
f) Volleyball is our favorite sport. We love volleyball!
a) you
b) him
c) her
d) it
e) us
f) them
g) me
a) him
b) him or her
c) it
d) her
e) them
f) it
That's all for today.
Por hoje é só.
See you!
In the previous class, I explained about the Object Pronouns. I hope you remember it, 'cause in today's class I'm gonna post some exercises. If you don't remember, read the previous post.
Na aula passada, explique a respeito dos Object Pronouns. Espero que você se lembre, pois na aula de hoje, irei postar alguns exercícios. Caso não se lembre, volte na postagem anterior.
1. Write the right Object Pronoun:
a) You can see Jenny and she can see _____.b) Paul can see us and we can see _____.
c) Donna can see them and they can see _____.
d) The bird can see the man and the man can see _____.
e) We can see them and they can see _____.
f) They can see us and we can see _____.
g) I can see her and she can see _____.
2. Change the sentences following the example:
Example: "I play soccer with Guga."
I play soccer with him.
a) Everybody knows Gustavo Kuerten as Guga.
b) I love my English teacher.
c) Charles Miller brought soccer in the 20th century.
d) I work with that woman.
e) My brother is in love with two people.
f) Volleyball is our favorite sport. We love volleyball!
a) you
b) him
c) her
d) it
e) us
f) them
g) me
a) him
b) him or her
c) it
d) her
e) them
f) it
That's all for today.
Por hoje é só.
See you!
Object Pronouns
What's up?
Na aula de hoje, veremos os Object Pronouns, ou em português, Pronome Objeto. Esses pronomes são usado depois de um verbo. Observe:
Sujeito (Caso Reto)
Esses pronomes são usados para conjugar o verbo:
I speak English.
(Eu falo Inglês.)
Objeto (Caso Oblíquo)
Esses pronomes, como o próprio nome diz, é o objeto da oração, e vem sempre depois do verbo:
I know them.
(Eu os conheço./ Eu conheço eles.)
Usamos esse pronomes para substituir o objeto de uma oração:
I like Doug. I like him.
(Eu gosto do Doug. Eu gosto dele.)
A adequada tradução para esses pronomes é
a mim, me, de mim, comigo (with me)
a você, vos, te, de você, contigo (with you)
a ele, o, dele, com ele (with him)
à ela, a, dela, com ela (with her)
a ele, à ela, dele/ dela, com ele/ ela (with it)*
a nós, nos, de nós, da gente, conosco (with us)
a eles, os, as, lhes, deles/ delas, com eles (with them)
* O pronome it, como já disse, é usado para coisas ou animais. Para pessoas, usamos He ou She. It é usado para animais, carros, casas, cartas, livros, mesa, qualquer coisa que não seja uma pessoa.
Espero que tenham entendido. Qualquer dúvida, eu tenho um msn: jonathasbenvindo@hotmail.com
See you!
Na aula de hoje, veremos os Object Pronouns, ou em português, Pronome Objeto. Esses pronomes são usado depois de um verbo. Observe:
Sujeito (Caso Reto)
Esses pronomes são usados para conjugar o verbo:
I speak English.
(Eu falo Inglês.)
Objeto (Caso Oblíquo)
Esses pronomes, como o próprio nome diz, é o objeto da oração, e vem sempre depois do verbo:
I know them.
(Eu os conheço./ Eu conheço eles.)
Usamos esse pronomes para substituir o objeto de uma oração:
I like Doug. I like him.
(Eu gosto do Doug. Eu gosto dele.)
A adequada tradução para esses pronomes é
a mim, me, de mim, comigo (with me)
a você, vos, te, de você, contigo (with you)
a ele, o, dele, com ele (with him)
à ela, a, dela, com ela (with her)
a ele, à ela, dele/ dela, com ele/ ela (with it)*
a nós, nos, de nós, da gente, conosco (with us)
a eles, os, as, lhes, deles/ delas, com eles (with them)
* O pronome it, como já disse, é usado para coisas ou animais. Para pessoas, usamos He ou She. It é usado para animais, carros, casas, cartas, livros, mesa, qualquer coisa que não seja uma pessoa.
Espero que tenham entendido. Qualquer dúvida, eu tenho um msn: jonathasbenvindo@hotmail.com
See you!
Subordinating conjunctions
Na aula passada, vimos as cunjunções coordenativas, que são aquelas que ligam orações independentes. Na aula de hoje, veremos as conjunções subordinativas, que são aquelas que unm orações dependentes.
Conjunções que ligam orações dependentes:
The phone rang when I was taking shower.
Se retirássemos o "when" da frase, as duas orações separadas não fariam muito sentido.
"The phone rang" e "I was taking shower".
São classificadas por:
Tempo: "He is going to clean his bedroom as soon as he arrives from school." Pode-se usar as conjunções "After", "Before". Tem o sentido de "Assim que", na frase.
Lugar: "I go where I want." Pode-se usar "Wherever". "Eu vou onde eu quiser.", na frase.
Condição: "If it rains, we will stay at home." Na frase, "Se chover, nós ficaremos em casa."
Propósito: "I turn on the TV in order to watch the soap opera." "Eu ligo a TV 'para poder' ou 'para que possa' assistir a novela."
Consequência: "She was so beautiful that everybody looked at her." "Ela era tão linda que todos olhavam para ela."
Concessão: "Although I studied a lot, I didn't pass the exam." Pode-se usar "Even though". "Embora eu estudei muito, eu não passei no exame."
Causa: "He will travel since he has money to pay the trip." "Ele viajará desde que tenha dinheiro para pagar a viagem."
Qualquer dúvida, lembre-se que eu tenho um msn...
Próxima aula, "Object Pronouns".
(Acho que nunca, na minha vida, apertei tantas vezes a tecla das Aspas ( " )...)
See you!
Na aula passada, vimos as cunjunções coordenativas, que são aquelas que ligam orações independentes. Na aula de hoje, veremos as conjunções subordinativas, que são aquelas que unm orações dependentes.
Conjunções que ligam orações dependentes:
The phone rang when I was taking shower.
Se retirássemos o "when" da frase, as duas orações separadas não fariam muito sentido.
"The phone rang" e "I was taking shower".
São classificadas por:
Tempo: "He is going to clean his bedroom as soon as he arrives from school." Pode-se usar as conjunções "After", "Before". Tem o sentido de "Assim que", na frase.
Lugar: "I go where I want." Pode-se usar "Wherever". "Eu vou onde eu quiser.", na frase.
Condição: "If it rains, we will stay at home." Na frase, "Se chover, nós ficaremos em casa."
Propósito: "I turn on the TV in order to watch the soap opera." "Eu ligo a TV 'para poder' ou 'para que possa' assistir a novela."
Consequência: "She was so beautiful that everybody looked at her." "Ela era tão linda que todos olhavam para ela."
Concessão: "Although I studied a lot, I didn't pass the exam." Pode-se usar "Even though". "Embora eu estudei muito, eu não passei no exame."
Causa: "He will travel since he has money to pay the trip." "Ele viajará desde que tenha dinheiro para pagar a viagem."
Qualquer dúvida, lembre-se que eu tenho um msn...
Próxima aula, "Object Pronouns".
(Acho que nunca, na minha vida, apertei tantas vezes a tecla das Aspas ( " )...)
See you!
October 17, 2010
Coordinating conjunctions
What's up?
Today we're going to learn some of the most used conjuntions in English. Pay close attention:
These are conjunctions that connect independent sentences.
"I can see Jenny and she can see me."
Click here for the Subordinating Conjuntions.
See you!
What's up?
Na aula de hoje, iremos aprender algumas conjunções mais usadas no idioma Inglês. Preste muita atenção.
São conjunções que ligam orações independentes.
"I can see Jenny and she can see me." ("Eu posso ver Jenny e ela pode me ver.")
Se retirássemos o "and" do meio da frase, teríamos duas frases que fariam sentido separadas:
"I can see Jenny." "She can see me."
Esse é um exemplo de conjunção aditiva (and).
Veja algumas outras conjunções coordenativas:
Adversativa: "We are poor, but we are happy". ("Nós somos pobres, porém somos felizes.") Expressa contraste. Pode-se usar "However".
Alternativa: "You have to help me or I'll hurt myself". ("Você tem que me ajudar ou eu vou me machucar.") Expressa escolha. Pode-se usar "Otherwise".
Conclusiva: "Ted was tired so he went to bed". ("Ted estava cansado então foi para cama.") Expressa conclusão. Pode-se usar "Therefore" ou "Thus".
Explicativa: "I was late because I missed the bus". ("Eu me atrasei porque eu perdi o ônibus.") Expressa explicação. Pode-se usar "For".
Clique aqui para as Conjunções Subordinativas.
See you!
Today we're going to learn some of the most used conjuntions in English. Pay close attention:
These are conjunctions that connect independent sentences.
"I can see Jenny and she can see me."
If we take out the word "and", we'd have two sentences that would make sense without each other:
"I can see Jenny." "She can see me."
That's an example of an additive conjuntion (and).
Here you have some more coordinating conjunctions:
Adversative: "We are poor, but we are happy". It shows contrast. We can also use "However".
Alternative: "You have to help me or I'll hurt myself". It shows choise, options. We can also use "Otherwise".
Conclusive: "Ted was tired so he went to bed". It shows conclusion. We can also use "Therefore" or "Thus".
Explanatory: "I was late because I missed the bus". It shows an explanation. We can also use "For".
Click here for the Subordinating Conjuntions.
See you!
What's up?
Na aula de hoje, iremos aprender algumas conjunções mais usadas no idioma Inglês. Preste muita atenção.
São conjunções que ligam orações independentes.
"I can see Jenny and she can see me." ("Eu posso ver Jenny e ela pode me ver.")
Se retirássemos o "and" do meio da frase, teríamos duas frases que fariam sentido separadas:
"I can see Jenny." "She can see me."
Esse é um exemplo de conjunção aditiva (and).
Veja algumas outras conjunções coordenativas:
Adversativa: "We are poor, but we are happy". ("Nós somos pobres, porém somos felizes.") Expressa contraste. Pode-se usar "However".
Alternativa: "You have to help me or I'll hurt myself". ("Você tem que me ajudar ou eu vou me machucar.") Expressa escolha. Pode-se usar "Otherwise".
Conclusiva: "Ted was tired so he went to bed". ("Ted estava cansado então foi para cama.") Expressa conclusão. Pode-se usar "Therefore" ou "Thus".
Explicativa: "I was late because I missed the bus". ("Eu me atrasei porque eu perdi o ônibus.") Expressa explicação. Pode-se usar "For".
Clique aqui para as Conjunções Subordinativas.
See you!
October 16, 2010
Why and Because
Na aula de hoje, iremos aprender a diferença enre Because e Whyambos com significado de "porque", mas antes, leia o diálogo abaixo:
Son: Hi, mom...
Mother: Hey cute...
Son: Mother, can I go to the club with my friends?
Mother: What club?
Son: That one near of the beach...
Mother: No!
Son: Why?
Mother: Because it's very dangerous. There are a lot of bad people!
Son: But I know to take care of myself...
Mother: Are you sure?
Son: Yeah!
Mother: Ok... Take care!
Now, do you know the difference about these two words?
I'm going to teach you now! Pay attention:
Nós usamos "Why" em perguntas:
"Why don't you go?"
E usamos "Because" em respostas:
"Because I can't"
Existem as maneiras informais, as gírias, para dizermos "Because", como:
'Cuz, 'Coz, 'Cos, 'Cause...
I hope you have understood it...
See you next class...
See you!
Na aula de hoje, iremos aprender a diferença enre Because e Whyambos com significado de "porque", mas antes, leia o diálogo abaixo:
Son: Hi, mom...
Mother: Hey cute...
Son: Mother, can I go to the club with my friends?
Mother: What club?
Son: That one near of the beach...
Mother: No!
Son: Why?
Mother: Because it's very dangerous. There are a lot of bad people!
Son: But I know to take care of myself...
Mother: Are you sure?
Son: Yeah!
Mother: Ok... Take care!
Now, do you know the difference about these two words?
I'm going to teach you now! Pay attention:
Nós usamos "Why" em perguntas:
"Why don't you go?"
E usamos "Because" em respostas:
"Because I can't"
Existem as maneiras informais, as gírias, para dizermos "Because", como:
'Cuz, 'Coz, 'Cos, 'Cause...
I hope you have understood it...
See you next class...
See you!
October 15, 2010
Can, Could, Can't, Couldn't - Exercises and Answers
In today's post, I'm gonna give you some exercises, so you can pratise what we learned in the previous post. You remember it, right?
Na aula de hoje, irei postar alguns exercícios para treinar o que aprendemos na aula passada. Você se lembra, né?
1. Complete these sentences with can or can't:
a) Mark _____ play badminton fairly well, but his brother _____ play at all.
b) Marathon runners _____ normally run fast, but they _____ run for a very long time.
c) Most people _____ ride a bike but they _____ play golf.
d) You _____ play soccer in the rain, but you ____ play tennis.
e) Everybody _____ do it.
f) I _____ read this book because I forgot my glasses.
2. Use can, can't, could or couldn't:
a) Garrincha _____ dribble better than anybody.
b) Volleyball players _____ normally jump very high.
c) Until 1968, men _____ run 100 meters in less than ten seconds. Then Jim Hines broke the world record to 9.9 seconds.
d) Women still _____ run 100 meters in less than ten seconds. The world record of 10.49 seconds belongs to Florence Griffith Joyner.
e) I _____ talk very fast, but my mother _____.
f) When I was child, I _____ swim at all, but now I _____.
a) can/ can't
b) can/ can't
c) can/ can't
d) can/ can't
e) can
f) can't
a) could
b) can
c) could
d) can't
e) can or can't/ can or can't
f) couldn't/ can
Now, one question
Agora, uma pergunta:
I can talk very fast. I can't talk very fast.
"In oral language, the /t/ sound in the contraction can't is rarely noticed. So how do we know if the sentence is negative or affirmative?"
"Na linguagem oral, o som /t/ na contração can't raramente é percebido. Então, como sabemos se a frase é negativa ou afirmativa?"
Globetrekker, pg. 31, Marcelo Baccarin Costa
Pesquisem sobre isso, por favor.
Search about it, please.
Por hoje é só...
That's all for today...
See you!
In today's post, I'm gonna give you some exercises, so you can pratise what we learned in the previous post. You remember it, right?
Na aula de hoje, irei postar alguns exercícios para treinar o que aprendemos na aula passada. Você se lembra, né?
1. Complete these sentences with can or can't:
a) Mark _____ play badminton fairly well, but his brother _____ play at all.
b) Marathon runners _____ normally run fast, but they _____ run for a very long time.
c) Most people _____ ride a bike but they _____ play golf.
d) You _____ play soccer in the rain, but you ____ play tennis.
e) Everybody _____ do it.
f) I _____ read this book because I forgot my glasses.
2. Use can, can't, could or couldn't:
a) Garrincha _____ dribble better than anybody.
b) Volleyball players _____ normally jump very high.
c) Until 1968, men _____ run 100 meters in less than ten seconds. Then Jim Hines broke the world record to 9.9 seconds.
d) Women still _____ run 100 meters in less than ten seconds. The world record of 10.49 seconds belongs to Florence Griffith Joyner.
e) I _____ talk very fast, but my mother _____.
f) When I was child, I _____ swim at all, but now I _____.
a) can/ can't
b) can/ can't
c) can/ can't
d) can/ can't
e) can
f) can't
a) could
b) can
c) could
d) can't
e) can or can't/ can or can't
f) couldn't/ can
Now, one question
Agora, uma pergunta:
I can talk very fast. I can't talk very fast.
"In oral language, the /t/ sound in the contraction can't is rarely noticed. So how do we know if the sentence is negative or affirmative?"
"Na linguagem oral, o som /t/ na contração can't raramente é percebido. Então, como sabemos se a frase é negativa ou afirmativa?"
Globetrekker, pg. 31, Marcelo Baccarin Costa
Pesquisem sobre isso, por favor.
Search about it, please.
Por hoje é só...
That's all for today...
See you!
October 13, 2010
Can, Could, Can't, Couldn't
What's up?
In this class, we're going to teach you the verb Can, its past and present forms, and also de negative form. We call thi kind of verb a Modal Verb. Pay close attention to it:
> The Verb Can, differently from other verbs, doesn't take the word "to", neither before nor after it. It expresses abilities and/or capabilities.
Also, for the third people singular (He/She/It), we don't add -s, -es or -ies.
Giba can play volleyball very well.
Africans can run the marathon better than anybody else.
Na aula de hoje, ensinarei o Verbo Poder, no passado e o presente, e sua forma negativa. Preste muita atenção:
> O Verbo Can (Poder, Conseguir), diferentemente dos outros verbos, não aceita o "To", nem antes, nem depois dele. Ele expressa habilidades e/ ou capacidades.
Para a terceira pessoa do singular, não usamos terminação em -s.
Giba can play volleyball very well.
Africans can run the marathon better than anybody else.
A Forma Negativa é Can't ou Cannot:
Shaquile O'neil can't play basketball so well anymore.
Em perguntas, Can vem antes do sujeito:
Can you throw the discus?
What position can they play?
> Could expressa habilidade/ capacidade no passado. A forma negativa é Couldn't. Pode significar Poderia, Pude, Pôde, Pudesse...
Em perguntas, Could vem antes do sujeito:
Mark Spitz could swim like a fish.
Could Airton Senna speak English?
I couldn't swim at all when I was a child.
+ Podemos usar alguns advérbios para dar intensidade ao verbo. Observe:
Quando você não pode fazer alguma coisa de nenhum jeito, você pode usar o advérbio "at all":
I couldn't swim at all.
0% - not at all
20% - a bit/ a little
40% - quite well/ fairly well
60% - pretty well
80% - very well
100% - extremely well
Rodrigo Pessoa can ride a horse pretty well.
Zico could play soccer extremely well.
See you!
In this class, we're going to teach you the verb Can, its past and present forms, and also de negative form. We call thi kind of verb a Modal Verb. Pay close attention to it:
> The Verb Can, differently from other verbs, doesn't take the word "to", neither before nor after it. It expresses abilities and/or capabilities.
Also, for the third people singular (He/She/It), we don't add -s, -es or -ies.
Giba can play volleyball very well.
Africans can run the marathon better than anybody else.
Its negative form is Can't or Cannot:
Shaquile O'neil can't play basketball so well anymore.
In a question, Can comes before the subject:
Can you throw the discus?
What position can they play?
What position can they play?
> Could expresses abilities and/or capabilities in the past. Its negative form is Couldn't.
In questions, Could comes before the Subject:
Mark Spitz could swim like a fish.
Could Airton Senna speak English?
I couldn't swim at all when I was a child.
+ We can use some adjectives to intensify the verb. Observe:
I couldn't swim at all. - No chance for you to do that.
0% - not at all
20% - a bit/ a little
40% - quite well/ fairly well
60% - pretty well
80% - very well
100% - extremely well
Could Airton Senna speak English?
I couldn't swim at all when I was a child.
+ We can use some adjectives to intensify the verb. Observe:
I couldn't swim at all. - No chance for you to do that.
0% - not at all
20% - a bit/ a little
40% - quite well/ fairly well
60% - pretty well
80% - very well
100% - extremely well
Rodrigo Pessoa can ride a horse pretty well.
Zico could play soccer extremely well.
Zico could play soccer extremely well.
Adaptaded from the book Globetrekker
See you!
What's up?
> O Verbo Can (Poder, Conseguir), diferentemente dos outros verbos, não aceita o "To", nem antes, nem depois dele. Ele expressa habilidades e/ ou capacidades.
Para a terceira pessoa do singular, não usamos terminação em -s.
Giba can play volleyball very well.
Africans can run the marathon better than anybody else.
A Forma Negativa é Can't ou Cannot:
Shaquile O'neil can't play basketball so well anymore.
Em perguntas, Can vem antes do sujeito:
Can you throw the discus?
What position can they play?
> Could expressa habilidade/ capacidade no passado. A forma negativa é Couldn't. Pode significar Poderia, Pude, Pôde, Pudesse...
Em perguntas, Could vem antes do sujeito:
Mark Spitz could swim like a fish.
Could Airton Senna speak English?
I couldn't swim at all when I was a child.
+ Podemos usar alguns advérbios para dar intensidade ao verbo. Observe:
Quando você não pode fazer alguma coisa de nenhum jeito, você pode usar o advérbio "at all":
I couldn't swim at all.
0% - not at all
20% - a bit/ a little
40% - quite well/ fairly well
60% - pretty well
80% - very well
100% - extremely well
Rodrigo Pessoa can ride a horse pretty well.
Zico could play soccer extremely well.
Adaptaded from the book Globetrekker
October 12, 2010
Listening - Swinging in the wind
Hello folks!
Today, a video from the US Senate. Watch it and practice your English:
Hoje, um vídeo que, inicialmente era uma reunião no Senado... Assistam e treinem o Inglês:
Swinging in the wind:
Swinging in the Wind
I hope you like it...
Espero que gostem...
See you!
Today, a video from the US Senate. Watch it and practice your English:
Hoje, um vídeo que, inicialmente era uma reunião no Senado... Assistam e treinem o Inglês:
Swinging in the wind:
Swinging in the Wind
Don't leave me swinging in the wind until November.
I am here! I am not going away!
Hey, if I was you, I may want me to go away, too.
You know, what the hell - do what you have to do.
I am here! I am not going away!
Hey, if I was you, I may want me to go away, too.
You know, what the hell - do what you have to do.
But don't leave me swinging in the wind until November, until November.
Don't leave me swinging in the wind, the wind.
Don't leave me swinging in the wind, the wind.
Democrats, hey! And Republicans, hey!
As much as I love you, I am not going away.
I violated the rules and I'm apologizing.
For God's sake, I'm 80 years old.
And all I'm saying is heck,
Have the ethics committee expedite this.
This is an emergency.
Democrats, hey! And Republicans, hey!
As much as I love you, I am not going away.
As much as I love you, I am not going away.
I violated the rules and I'm apologizing.
For God's sake, I'm 80 years old.
And all I'm saying is heck,
Have the ethics committee expedite this.
This is an emergency.
Democrats, hey! And Republicans, hey!
As much as I love you, I am not going away.
He's still a contender.
He will not surrender.
Don't you leave him.
Swinging in the wind until November.
He will not surrender.
Don't you leave him.
Swinging in the wind until November.
Don't leave me swinging in the wind until November, until November.
Don't leave me swinging in the wind.
Do what you have to do.
But don't leave me swinging in the wind until November, until November.
Don't leave me swinging in the wind, the wind.
Don't leave me swinging in the wind.
Do what you have to do.
But don't leave me swinging in the wind until November, until November.
Don't leave me swinging in the wind, the wind.
There's a lot of pain and anguish from people worried about this Islamic Center.
What about these strip joints? strip joints? strip joints?
Are these people who are holier than thou condemning the strip joints nearby?
Let's take a closer look at the strippers to see if they got somethin to hiiiiiiiide!
Painting Islam with a broad brush makes our problems worse, worse, worse.
Makes them wooooooorse!
And I don't like it, nobody should like it, like it
Painting strip joints with a broad brush makes our problems worse (worse), worse (worse), worse (much worse!)
It was done to the Jews before--that's why we have perpetual war.
Blood and gore!
Perpetual war.
Perpetual war.
What about these strip joints? strip joints? strip joints?
Are these people who are holier than thou condemning the strip joints nearby?
Let's take a closer look at the strippers to see if they got somethin to hiiiiiiiide!
Painting Islam with a broad brush makes our problems worse, worse, worse.
Makes them wooooooorse!
And I don't like it, nobody should like it, like it
Painting strip joints with a broad brush makes our problems worse (worse), worse (worse), worse (much worse!)
It was done to the Jews before--that's why we have perpetual war.
Blood and gore!
Perpetual war.
Perpetual war.
Persecutin Islamic strippers.
I don't like it.
Puttin a ban on Halal liquor.
Nobody should like it.
Burnin Qur'ans to get people pissed.
I don't like it.
Puttin Tinky Winkie on the no-fly list.
I don't like it, nobody should like it.
I don't like it.
Puttin a ban on Halal liquor.
Nobody should like it.
Burnin Qur'ans to get people pissed.
I don't like it.
Puttin Tinky Winkie on the no-fly list.
I don't like it, nobody should like it.
Republicans drove our economy into a ditch.
We got in there and we pushed and we shoved.
And these guys were standin sippin on a slurpee.
And they got the nerve to ask for the keys back.
We got in there and we pushed and we shoved.
And these guys were standin sippin on a slurpee.
And they got the nerve to ask for the keys back.
I don't wanna give em the keys back.
They don't know how to dri-don't know how to drive.
When you wanna go forward in your car, what do you do?
You put it in D, they're gonna pop it in reverse.
I don't wanna give em the keys back.
They don't know how to dri--don't know how to drive.
Our metaphorical car got no brakes and no gearshift.
We'll go metaphorically far while we're standin in the ditch, bitch!
They don't know how to dri-don't know how to drive.
When you wanna go forward in your car, what do you do?
You put it in D, they're gonna pop it in reverse.
I don't wanna give em the keys back.
They don't know how to dri--don't know how to drive.
Our metaphorical car got no brakes and no gearshift.
We'll go metaphorically far while we're standin in the ditch, bitch!
I hope you like it...
Espero que gostem...
See you!
There To Be x To Have - Exercises and Answers
What's up?
Como disse, hoje postarei alguns exercícios sobre a diferença entre o There To Be e o To Have:
1. Rewrite the sentences using There is or There are:
Example: The United States has approximately 135 million people employed.
There are approximately 135 people employed in the Unites States.
a) The United States has nearly one million university professors.
b) Dibbs' Supermaket has one vacancy for a cleaner.
c) Do you have a psychologist working in your school?
d) Fortaleza has excellent hotel.
2. Choose between there is/ are or have/has:
a) There is/ Has a nurse working in our school.
b) The new secretary there is/ has a lot of experience.
c) I assume there are/ have more students in our class than in the other.
d) Are there/ have many beaches in Florianópolis?
a) There are nearly one million university professors in the United States.
b) There is one vacancy for a cleaner in Dibbs' Supermarlet.
c) Is there a (any) pshychlogist working in your school?
d) There are excellent hotels in Fortaleza.
a) There is
b) has
c) there are
d) Are there
Por hoje é só...
See you!
Como disse, hoje postarei alguns exercícios sobre a diferença entre o There To Be e o To Have:
1. Rewrite the sentences using There is or There are:
Example: The United States has approximately 135 million people employed.
There are approximately 135 people employed in the Unites States.
a) The United States has nearly one million university professors.
b) Dibbs' Supermaket has one vacancy for a cleaner.
c) Do you have a psychologist working in your school?
d) Fortaleza has excellent hotel.
2. Choose between there is/ are or have/has:
a) There is/ Has a nurse working in our school.
b) The new secretary there is/ has a lot of experience.
c) I assume there are/ have more students in our class than in the other.
d) Are there/ have many beaches in Florianópolis?
Based on Marcelo B. Costa's Globetrekker
a) There are nearly one million university professors in the United States.
b) There is one vacancy for a cleaner in Dibbs' Supermarlet.
c) Is there a (any) pshychlogist working in your school?
d) There are excellent hotels in Fortaleza.
a) There is
b) has
c) there are
d) Are there
Por hoje é só...
See you!
October 11, 2010
There To Be x To Have
Hi folks!
Hoje iremos aprender a diferença entre o Verbo There To Be e o Verbo To Have. Muitas pessoas costumam dizer, em português, que "tem" um livro sobre a mesa. E essas pessoas diriam em Inglês que "It has" a book on the table. O Verbo To Have, nesse caso, estaria errado, pois esse verbo é usado para indicar posse, geralmente. O jeito certo de falar a frase, então, seria: "There's a book on the table.", entendeu?
My company has 200 employees.
There are 200 employees in my company.
We have a big industry in our town.
There's a big industry in our town.
They don't have any vacancies for you.
There aren't any vacancies for you.
Do you have an easy job to give him?
Is there an easy job to give him.
Verbo To Have indica posse, e Verbo There To Be indica existência.
Verbo To Have:
I have
You have
He has
She has
It has
We have
They have
See you!
Hoje iremos aprender a diferença entre o Verbo There To Be e o Verbo To Have. Muitas pessoas costumam dizer, em português, que "tem" um livro sobre a mesa. E essas pessoas diriam em Inglês que "It has" a book on the table. O Verbo To Have, nesse caso, estaria errado, pois esse verbo é usado para indicar posse, geralmente. O jeito certo de falar a frase, então, seria: "There's a book on the table.", entendeu?
My company has 200 employees.
There are 200 employees in my company.
We have a big industry in our town.
There's a big industry in our town.
They don't have any vacancies for you.
There aren't any vacancies for you.
Do you have an easy job to give him?
Is there an easy job to give him.
Verbo To Have indica posse, e Verbo There To Be indica existência.
Verbo To Have:
I have
You have
He has
She has
It has
We have
They have
See you!
October 10, 2010
Verb There To Be
Today we are going to talk about the Verb There To Be, which is similar to "To Exist".
This is the most usual way of expressing existence in English.
Look at this:
When we are talking about only one thing, we use THERE + IS. If we are talking about more than one thing, we use THERE + ARE.
"There is (There's) a book on the table."
"There's a big industry in your town."
"There are two main airports in Sao Paulo."
"There are some books on the table."
- Usually (not always), after "There is" comes an article (a, an).
That's pretty easy. You just add "not" after the verb:
"There's not a vulcan in Brazil."
"There isn't a book on the table."
"There are not vacancies for you."
"There aren't beaches in Minas Gerais."
- The words after "There are" must be in the plural form (beaches, vacancies).
We just invert the word position:
"Is there a picture on the wall?"
"Is there any mountain near our city?"
"Are there workers building that house right now?"
"Are there birds in the box?"
The word "There" itself means "that other place", you are poiting to it. It's the opposite of "Here", which means "this place where we are". When you put the verb To Be after it, it means something like "To Exist".
I hope you got it!
See you!
Hoje iremos falar do Verbo There To Be, cujo significado é "Haver".
O modo mais comum de expressar existência em Inglês é usando esse verbo. Pode significar "Existir" também.
Quando haver apenas uma coisa, usamos THERE + IS. Se for mais de uma, usamos THERE + ARE:
"There is (There's) a book on the table."
("Existe/Tem um livro sobre a mesa.")
"There's a big industry in your town."
("Tem uma grande fábrica na sua cidade.")
"There are two main airports in Sao Paulo."
("Existem dois principais aeroportos em São Paulo.")
"There are some books on the table."
("Tem alguns livros na mesa.")
- Geralmente, depois de "There is", vem um artigo indefinido (a, an).
Devemos colocar o "not" depois do verbo To Be:
"There's not a voulcan in Brazil."
("Não tem um vulcão no Brasil.")
"There isn't a book on the table."
("Não tem um livro na mesa.")
"There are not vacancies for you."
("Não há vagas para você.")
"There aren't beachs in Minas Gerais."
("Não existem praias em Minas Gerais.")
- No plural, as palavras que vem depois do "There are" devem ser colocadas no plural também (beaches, vacancies).
Devemos inverter a ordem:
"Is there a picture on the wall?"
("Há uma imagem na parede?")
"Is there any mountain near our city?"
("Tem alguma montanha perto da nossa cidade?")
"Are there workers building that house now?"
("Tem trabalhadores construindo aquela casa agora?")
"Are there birds in the box?"
("Tem aves dentro da caixa?")
A palavra "There" sozinha, tem o significado de "Lá", "Alí", é o oposto de "Here" que significa "Aqui", "Cá". Quando adiciona-se o verbo To Be, ela ganha o sentido de "Haver, "Existir".
Espero que tenham entendido...
See you!
Today we are going to talk about the Verb There To Be, which is similar to "To Exist".
This is the most usual way of expressing existence in English.
Look at this:
When we are talking about only one thing, we use THERE + IS. If we are talking about more than one thing, we use THERE + ARE.
"There is (There's) a book on the table."
"There's a big industry in your town."
"There are two main airports in Sao Paulo."
"There are some books on the table."
- Usually (not always), after "There is" comes an article (a, an).
That's pretty easy. You just add "not" after the verb:
"There's not a vulcan in Brazil."
"There isn't a book on the table."
"There are not vacancies for you."
"There aren't beaches in Minas Gerais."
- The words after "There are" must be in the plural form (beaches, vacancies).
We just invert the word position:
"Is there a picture on the wall?"
"Is there any mountain near our city?"
"Are there workers building that house right now?"
"Are there birds in the box?"
![]() |
"Where there's smoke, there's fire!" |
The word "There" itself means "that other place", you are poiting to it. It's the opposite of "Here", which means "this place where we are". When you put the verb To Be after it, it means something like "To Exist".
I hope you got it!
See you!
Hoje iremos falar do Verbo There To Be, cujo significado é "Haver".
O modo mais comum de expressar existência em Inglês é usando esse verbo. Pode significar "Existir" também.
Quando haver apenas uma coisa, usamos THERE + IS. Se for mais de uma, usamos THERE + ARE:
"There is (There's) a book on the table."
("Existe/Tem um livro sobre a mesa.")
"There's a big industry in your town."
("Tem uma grande fábrica na sua cidade.")
"There are two main airports in Sao Paulo."
("Existem dois principais aeroportos em São Paulo.")
"There are some books on the table."
("Tem alguns livros na mesa.")
- Geralmente, depois de "There is", vem um artigo indefinido (a, an).
Devemos colocar o "not" depois do verbo To Be:
"There's not a voulcan in Brazil."
("Não tem um vulcão no Brasil.")
"There isn't a book on the table."
("Não tem um livro na mesa.")
"There are not vacancies for you."
("Não há vagas para você.")
"There aren't beachs in Minas Gerais."
("Não existem praias em Minas Gerais.")
- No plural, as palavras que vem depois do "There are" devem ser colocadas no plural também (beaches, vacancies).
Devemos inverter a ordem:
"Is there a picture on the wall?"
("Há uma imagem na parede?")
"Is there any mountain near our city?"
("Tem alguma montanha perto da nossa cidade?")
"Are there workers building that house now?"
("Tem trabalhadores construindo aquela casa agora?")
"Are there birds in the box?"
("Tem aves dentro da caixa?")
![]() |
"Where there's smoke, there's fire!" ("Onde há fumaça, há fogo!") |
A palavra "There" sozinha, tem o significado de "Lá", "Alí", é o oposto de "Here" que significa "Aqui", "Cá". Quando adiciona-se o verbo To Be, ela ganha o sentido de "Haver, "Existir".
Espero que tenham entendido...
See you!
October 09, 2010
In this post I'll show you some adjectives used to describe people, in the shape of an exercise.
You'll maybe need a dictionary.
No post de hoje, apresentarei alguns adjetivos para descrever pessoas, mas em forma de exercícios. Talvez você precise de um dicionário.
Match the adjectives with their definitions:
a) Energetic
b) Fair
c) Efficient
d) Polite
e) Hardworking
f) Puntual
g) Fearless
h) Neat
i) Skillful
j) Good-looking
k) Clever
l) Well-dressed
1. Doing things at the correct time
2. Having good clothes on
3. Courteous and following the usual rules of society
4. Organized and with good appearence
5. Attractive
6. Intelligent
7. Puttting a lot of effort into their work or studies
8. Good at doing something, well-trained
9. Courageous, not afraid
10. Morally correct, reasonable
11. Working well and producing good results
12. Very active and enthusiastic
For more adjectives, you can check the list below. Use a dictionary to find out their meanig:
Para mais adjetivos para definir pessoas, consulte a lista abaixo. Use um dicionário para descobre seus significados:
That's all.
Isso é tudo.
See you!
In this post I'll show you some adjectives used to describe people, in the shape of an exercise.
You'll maybe need a dictionary.
No post de hoje, apresentarei alguns adjetivos para descrever pessoas, mas em forma de exercícios. Talvez você precise de um dicionário.
Match the adjectives with their definitions:
a) Energetic
b) Fair
c) Efficient
d) Polite
e) Hardworking
f) Puntual
g) Fearless
h) Neat
i) Skillful
j) Good-looking
k) Clever
l) Well-dressed
1. Doing things at the correct time
2. Having good clothes on
3. Courteous and following the usual rules of society
4. Organized and with good appearence
5. Attractive
6. Intelligent
7. Puttting a lot of effort into their work or studies
8. Good at doing something, well-trained
9. Courageous, not afraid
10. Morally correct, reasonable
11. Working well and producing good results
12. Very active and enthusiastic
Based on Marcelo B. Costa's Globetrekker
Para mais adjetivos para definir pessoas, consulte a lista abaixo. Use um dicionário para descobre seus significados:
That's all.
Isso é tudo.
See you!
Question Formation - Exercises
How are you?
You remember when I told you about how to ask something in the Present Tense, right?
If you don't remember, click here. You have some exercises to do now:
Você se lembra de quando eu disse como formar uma pergunta no Presente de uma forma geral, certo?
Caso você não se lembre, clique aqui. Agora, você tem alguns exercícios:
- Gillian Adams is an applicant for a position as a receptioninst.
Complete the interview by writing the words in the correct order:
a) your/ is/ name/ what/ ?
Gillian Adams.
b) and/ you/ do/ where/ live/ Ms. Adams/ ?
In Santa Monica, California.
c) family/ you/ do/ live/ your/ with/ ?
Yes. With my brother and father.
d) support/ you/ your/ father/ does/ ?
Yes. But we need some extra money right now.
e) do/ money/ you/ why/ need/ ?
Because I want to go to university next year.
f) do/ study/ where/ you/ ?
At Jefferson High School.
g) studying/ at/ you/ are/ school/ computer science/ ?
Yes. I'm doing courses on the Internet and word processing.
h) end/ does/ what/ time/ and/ your/ last/ class/ ?
At 3:30 p.m., sir.
I hope you liked it!
See you!
You remember when I told you about how to ask something in the Present Tense, right?
If you don't remember, click here. You have some exercises to do now:
Você se lembra de quando eu disse como formar uma pergunta no Presente de uma forma geral, certo?
Caso você não se lembre, clique aqui. Agora, você tem alguns exercícios:
- Gillian Adams is an applicant for a position as a receptioninst.
Complete the interview by writing the words in the correct order:
a) your/ is/ name/ what/ ?
Gillian Adams.
b) and/ you/ do/ where/ live/ Ms. Adams/ ?
In Santa Monica, California.
c) family/ you/ do/ live/ your/ with/ ?
Yes. With my brother and father.
d) support/ you/ your/ father/ does/ ?
Yes. But we need some extra money right now.
e) do/ money/ you/ why/ need/ ?
Because I want to go to university next year.
f) do/ study/ where/ you/ ?
At Jefferson High School.
g) studying/ at/ you/ are/ school/ computer science/ ?
Yes. I'm doing courses on the Internet and word processing.
h) end/ does/ what/ time/ and/ your/ last/ class/ ?
At 3:30 p.m., sir.
Adaptado de Globetrekker, de Marcello B. Costa.
a) What is your name?
b) And where do you live, Ms. Adams?
c) Do you live with your family?
d) Does yourfather support you?
e) Why do you need money?
f) Where do you study?
g) Are you studying computer science at school?
h) And what time does your last class end?
See you!
Question Formation
I think you have noticed that there is an order of words when you want to ask something in the Present Tense (Simple and Continuous). Look at this:
Generally, question formation in English happens this way:
The auxuliary verb "do" (or "does") doesn't have a real meaning. You can't translate it. When you see it in a sentence like those above, you know it's in the Present.
When "do" is the main verb ((To) Do), it means "Make", "Produce", "Cause", "Creat"...
I hope you got it!
See you!
Até agora, acho que você pôde perceber que há uma ordem na formação de perguntas no Present (Simple ou Continuous). Observe:
De um modo geral, a formação de perguntas em Inglês se dá da seguinte forma:
Como Verbo Auxiliar, "Do" não tem tradução. Quando ele aparece num frase, sabe-se que ela está no Presente.
Como Verbo Principal, ((To) Do) significa "Fazer", "Criar"...
Espero que tenham entendido!
See you!
I think you have noticed that there is an order of words when you want to ask something in the Present Tense (Simple and Continuous). Look at this:
Generally, question formation in English happens this way:
What do you want to do this morning?
Why are you reading this book?
The auxuliary verb "do" (or "does") doesn't have a real meaning. You can't translate it. When you see it in a sentence like those above, you know it's in the Present.
When "do" is the main verb ((To) Do), it means "Make", "Produce", "Cause", "Creat"...
I hope you got it!
See you!
Até agora, acho que você pôde perceber que há uma ordem na formação de perguntas no Present (Simple ou Continuous). Observe:
De um modo geral, a formação de perguntas em Inglês se dá da seguinte forma:
What do you want to do this morning?
Why are you reading this book?
Como Verbo Principal, ((To) Do) significa "Fazer", "Criar"...
Espero que tenham entendido!
See you!
October 08, 2010
What's up?
In this post, you'll have an exercise to help you look up words in a dictionary. This exercise is about professions and their description. You must link the profession to its right definition, using a dictionary if you need:
Na aula de hoje, postarei um exercício para ajudá-los a procurar palavras no dicionário. Esse exercício é sobre profissões e suas descrições. Você deve ligar o nome da profissão em Inglês à sua correta definição, procurando no dicionário se precisar:
a) A chef
b) A bank teller
c) A lawyer
d) A nurse
e) An oceanographer
f) A clerk
g) A sales representative
h) A construction worker
i) A web designer
- Cares of patients undergoing treatment.
- Works in a office, hotel, shop, etc.
- Builds houses, buildings, etc.
- Defends clients' legal right.
- Creates and adjusts Internet home pages.
- Deals with money.
- Manages a kitchen in a restaurant.
- Studies oceans.
- Sells products.
Painter - the one who paints (houses or artworks)
Mechanic - the one who fixes cars
Hairdresser - the one who cuts, washes and makes people's hair look good
Postman - the one who brings the letters
Policeman - the takes the thief to the jail and gives you a fine
Cook - the one who makes the food
Archaeologist - the one who examines the remains of buildings and objects in the ground and finds dinosaurs
Waiter - the one who works in a restaurant and brings the food
Builder - the one who builds houses and buildings
Journalist/ Reporter - the one who gives us the news on tv/ newspaper
Manager - the one who administrates a company
Doctor - the one who tries to save lives in a hospital
Nurse - the doctor's helper
Plumber - the one who fixes plumbing systems
Secretary - the one who types letters and answers the phone in a office
Dressmaker - the one who sews and mends clothes
Carpenter - the one who buildes things with wood
Driver - the one who drives (a car, a truck, a bus)
Baker - the one who makes bread and cakes in a bakery
Farmer - the one who works in a farm
Florist - the one who designs and sells flowers in a store
Barber - the one who cuts man's hair
Butcher - the one who cuts and sells beef, chicken and pork
Teacher/ Professor - the one who teaches
Waitress - the woman who brings the food in a restaurant
Electrician - the one who fixes electrical systems
Photographer - the one who takes photos/ pictures
I hope you liked it.
Espero que tenham gostado.
See you!
In this post, you'll have an exercise to help you look up words in a dictionary. This exercise is about professions and their description. You must link the profession to its right definition, using a dictionary if you need:
Na aula de hoje, postarei um exercício para ajudá-los a procurar palavras no dicionário. Esse exercício é sobre profissões e suas descrições. Você deve ligar o nome da profissão em Inglês à sua correta definição, procurando no dicionário se precisar:
a) A chef
b) A bank teller
c) A lawyer
d) A nurse
e) An oceanographer
f) A clerk
g) A sales representative
h) A construction worker
i) A web designer
- Cares of patients undergoing treatment.
- Works in a office, hotel, shop, etc.
- Builds houses, buildings, etc.
- Defends clients' legal right.
- Creates and adjusts Internet home pages.
- Deals with money.
- Manages a kitchen in a restaurant.
- Studies oceans.
- Sells products.
Based on Marcelo B. Costa's Globetrekker
Here you have a list with some professions and their definition:
Aqui você pode ver uma lista de profissões e suas definições em Inglês:Painter - the one who paints (houses or artworks)
Mechanic - the one who fixes cars
Hairdresser - the one who cuts, washes and makes people's hair look good
Postman - the one who brings the letters
Policeman - the takes the thief to the jail and gives you a fine
Cook - the one who makes the food
Archaeologist - the one who examines the remains of buildings and objects in the ground and finds dinosaurs
Waiter - the one who works in a restaurant and brings the food
Builder - the one who builds houses and buildings
Journalist/ Reporter - the one who gives us the news on tv/ newspaper
Manager - the one who administrates a company
Doctor - the one who tries to save lives in a hospital
Nurse - the doctor's helper
Plumber - the one who fixes plumbing systems
Secretary - the one who types letters and answers the phone in a office
Dressmaker - the one who sews and mends clothes
Carpenter - the one who buildes things with wood
Driver - the one who drives (a car, a truck, a bus)
Baker - the one who makes bread and cakes in a bakery
Farmer - the one who works in a farm
Florist - the one who designs and sells flowers in a store
Barber - the one who cuts man's hair
Butcher - the one who cuts and sells beef, chicken and pork
Teacher/ Professor - the one who teaches
Waitress - the woman who brings the food in a restaurant
Electrician - the one who fixes electrical systems
Photographer - the one who takes photos/ pictures
I hope you liked it.
Espero que tenham gostado.
See you!
October 05, 2010
Listening - Why don't you kiss her?
Hey folks!
In today's post, I'll post the first song for you to practice your English.
It's Jesse McCartney's "Why don't you kiss her?":
Na postagem de hoje, postarei a primeira música para treinarem o Inglês.
É uma música de Jesse Mccartney "Why don't you kiss her?":
I hope you like it...
Espero que gostem...
See you!
In today's post, I'll post the first song for you to practice your English.
It's Jesse McCartney's "Why don't you kiss her?":
Na postagem de hoje, postarei a primeira música para treinarem o Inglês.
É uma música de Jesse Mccartney "Why don't you kiss her?":
Why don't you kiss her?
We were the best of friends, Eramos os melhores amigos,
And we shared our secrets. E compartilhávamos nossos segredos.
She knows everything that is on my mind. Ela sabe tudo o que está em minha mente.
Lately something's changed, Recentemente algo mudou,
As I lie awake in my bed. Enquanto fico acordado na minha cama.
A voice here inside my head Uma voz aqui dentro da minha cabeça
Softly says: Calmamente diz:
And we shared our secrets. E compartilhávamos nossos segredos.
She knows everything that is on my mind. Ela sabe tudo o que está em minha mente.
Lately something's changed, Recentemente algo mudou,
As I lie awake in my bed. Enquanto fico acordado na minha cama.
A voice here inside my head Uma voz aqui dentro da minha cabeça
Softly says: Calmamente diz:
"Why don't you kiss her? "Porque não a beija?
Why don't you tell her? Porque não conta para ela?
Why don't you let her see Porque você não a deixa ver
The feelings that you hide? Os sentimentos que você esconde?
She'll never know Ela nunca saberá
If you never show Se você nunca mostrar
The way you feel inside." Como se sente por dentro."
Why don't you tell her? Porque não conta para ela?
Why don't you let her see Porque você não a deixa ver
The feelings that you hide? Os sentimentos que você esconde?
She'll never know Ela nunca saberá
If you never show Se você nunca mostrar
The way you feel inside." Como se sente por dentro."
Oh, I'm so afraid to make that first move. Oh, Estou com medo de dar o primeiro passo.
Just a touch and we Apenas um toque e nós
Could cross the line. Poderíamos atravessar a linha.
And everytime she's near, E sempre que ela está perto,
I wanna never let her go, Eu não quero deixá-la ir,
Confess to her what my heart knows, Confessar a ela o que meu coração sabe,
Hold her close. Segurá-la bem perto.
Just a touch and we Apenas um toque e nós
Could cross the line. Poderíamos atravessar a linha.
And everytime she's near, E sempre que ela está perto,
I wanna never let her go, Eu não quero deixá-la ir,
Confess to her what my heart knows, Confessar a ela o que meu coração sabe,
Hold her close. Segurá-la bem perto.
"Why don't you kiss her? "Porque não a beija?
Why don't you tell her? Porque você não conta para ela?
Why don't you let her see Porque você não a deixa ver
The feelings that you hide? Os sentimentos que você esconde?
She'll never know Ela nunca saberá
If you never show Se você nunca mostrar
The way you feel inside." Como se sente por dentro."
Why don't you tell her? Porque você não conta para ela?
Why don't you let her see Porque você não a deixa ver
The feelings that you hide? Os sentimentos que você esconde?
She'll never know Ela nunca saberá
If you never show Se você nunca mostrar
The way you feel inside." Como se sente por dentro."
What would she say? O que ela diria?
I wonder would she just turn away Pergunto-me: ela simplesmente daria meia volta
Or would she promise me Ou me prometeria
That she's here to stay? Que está aqui para ficar?
It hurts me to wait. Machuca esperar.
I keep asking myself... Eu continuo me perguntando...
I wonder would she just turn away Pergunto-me: ela simplesmente daria meia volta
Or would she promise me Ou me prometeria
That she's here to stay? Que está aqui para ficar?
It hurts me to wait. Machuca esperar.
I keep asking myself... Eu continuo me perguntando...
"Why don't you kiss her? (tell her you love her) "Porque não a beija? (diga a ela que a ama)
Why don't you tell her? (tell her you need her) Porque não conta para ela? (diga que precisa dela)
Why don't you let her see Porque não a deixa ver
The feelings that you hide? Os sentimentos que você esconde?
She'll never know Ela nunca saberá
If you never show Se você nunca mostrar
The way you feel inside..." Como se sente por dentro..."
Why don't you tell her? (tell her you need her) Porque não conta para ela? (diga que precisa dela)
Why don't you let her see Porque não a deixa ver
The feelings that you hide? Os sentimentos que você esconde?
She'll never know Ela nunca saberá
If you never show Se você nunca mostrar
The way you feel inside..." Como se sente por dentro..."
I hope you like it...
Espero que gostem...
See you!
October 04, 2010
The Present Continuous - Exercises
Hey folks!
This is the last post about Present Continuous, so here you have some easy exercises.
If you don't remember what we studied, read about it againg.
Esse é o último post sobre o Present Continuous, e aqui temos alguns exercícios fáceis.
Caso não se lembre do que estudou, releia as postagens anteriores.
1. Use the prompts below to form true sentences that describe what is or is not happening now. Follow the example:
Ex.: I/ watch/ TV
I'm not watching TV.
a) My friend/ play/ the guitar
b) It/ snow
c) I/ study/ English
d) We/ do/ some exercises
e) The students/ read/ a magazine
f) The wind/ blow
g) It/ rain
h) We/ go/ to the beach
i) She/ eat/ pasta
j) I/ travel/ to Japan
2. Match the questions to the answers:
a) What are you and your friends doing?
b) Is it raining?
c) Are you having fun?
d) Am I bothering you with my questions?
e) Is the actor speaking English?
f) Are your parents on vacation?
g) Are you going to the beach?
h) Is she reading a book about the Industrial Revolution?
i) Is he looking for me?
j) Am I stduying Fisics or Math?
a) We are watching a horror movie.
b) You're studying Fisics...
c) No, the sky is open.
d) No, he's looking for Janny.
e) Yes, it's very funny in here!
f) No, she's reading a book about the Internet.
g) No, you're not.
h) No! I'm going to downtown!
i) No! He's speaking German.
j) No... They are taking care of my sister...
3. Form sentences in the Present Continuous with the words below:
Am/ Is/ Are/ Am not/ Is not/ Are not/ I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/ They/ Eat/ Watching/ See/ Read/ Go/ Play/ Wash/ Take/ Rain/ Do...
1. Personal answers.
a) a)
b) c)
c) e)
d) g)
e) i)
f) j)
g) h)
h) f)
i) d)
j) b)
3. Personal answers.
That's all folks!
Por hoje é só...
See you!
This is the last post about Present Continuous, so here you have some easy exercises.
If you don't remember what we studied, read about it againg.
Esse é o último post sobre o Present Continuous, e aqui temos alguns exercícios fáceis.
Caso não se lembre do que estudou, releia as postagens anteriores.
1. Use the prompts below to form true sentences that describe what is or is not happening now. Follow the example:
Ex.: I/ watch/ TV
I'm not watching TV.
a) My friend/ play/ the guitar
b) It/ snow
c) I/ study/ English
d) We/ do/ some exercises
e) The students/ read/ a magazine
f) The wind/ blow
g) It/ rain
h) We/ go/ to the beach
i) She/ eat/ pasta
j) I/ travel/ to Japan
2. Match the questions to the answers:
a) What are you and your friends doing?
b) Is it raining?
c) Are you having fun?
d) Am I bothering you with my questions?
e) Is the actor speaking English?
f) Are your parents on vacation?
g) Are you going to the beach?
h) Is she reading a book about the Industrial Revolution?
i) Is he looking for me?
j) Am I stduying Fisics or Math?
a) We are watching a horror movie.
b) You're studying Fisics...
c) No, the sky is open.
d) No, he's looking for Janny.
e) Yes, it's very funny in here!
f) No, she's reading a book about the Internet.
g) No, you're not.
h) No! I'm going to downtown!
i) No! He's speaking German.
j) No... They are taking care of my sister...
3. Form sentences in the Present Continuous with the words below:
Am/ Is/ Are/ Am not/ Is not/ Are not/ I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/ They/ Eat/ Watching/ See/ Read/ Go/ Play/ Wash/ Take/ Rain/ Do...
1. Personal answers.
a) a)
b) c)
c) e)
d) g)
e) i)
f) j)
g) h)
h) f)
i) d)
j) b)
3. Personal answers.
That's all folks!
Por hoje é só...
See you!
The Present Continuous - Part III
In this post we're going to see the last Present Continuous: The Interrogative Form!
Click here to reread the last post.
To change the Verb To Be into the Interrogative, we must put the verb before the subject, and the complement:
Am I...?
Are you...?
Is he...?
Is she...?
Is it...?
Are we...?
Are they...?
It's the same thing for the Interrogative Form, but we also must add a verb ending in "-ing" after the subject:
Verb To Be + Subecjt + Verb ending in "-ing" + Complement + ?:
"Am I dreaming? This looks like Heaven!"
"Are you having a good time in here? I hope so."
"Is he working now? Is he gainning his own money?"
"Is she going to the party? Or is she home yet?"
"Is it flying? I can't see it!"
"Are we watching a horror movie? It seems to be comedy!"
"Are they studying Biology in the college?"
You got it?
For some exercises about it, click here.
See you!
Nesse post veremos a última parte do Present Continuous: A Forma Interrogativa!
Clique aqui para reler o último post.
Para formarmos o Verbo To Be na Interrogativa, devemos colocar o verbo na frente do sujeito, e o complemento:
Am I...?
Are you...?
Is he...?
Is she...?
Is it...?
Are we...?
Are they...?
E para formarmos a Forma Interrogativa do Present Continuous, devemos fazer a mesma coisa, mas, depois do sujeito, devemos colocar um verbo com terminação "-ing".
Verbo To Be + Sujeito + Verbo terminando com "-ing" + Compelmento + ?:
"Am I dreaming? This looks like Heaven!"
("Estou sonhando? Isso se parece com o Céu!")
"Are you having a good time in here? I hope so."
("Está se divertindo aqui? Espero que sim.")
"Is he working now? Is he gainning his own money?"
(Ele já está trabalhando? Ele está ganhando o seu próprio dinheiro?")
"Is she going to the party? Or is she home yet?"
("Ele está indo para a festa? Ou ela ainda está em casa?")
"Is it flying? I can't see it!"
("Está voando? Eu não consigo ver!")
"Are we watching a horror movie? It seems to be comedy!"
("Estamos assistindo um filme de terror? Parece ser de comédia!")
"Are they studying Biology in the college?"
("Eles estão estudando Biologia na faculdade?")
Clique aqui para resolver alguns execícios sobre isso.
See you!
In this post we're going to see the last Present Continuous: The Interrogative Form!
Click here to reread the last post.
To change the Verb To Be into the Interrogative, we must put the verb before the subject, and the complement:
Am I...?
Are you...?
Is he...?
Is she...?
Is it...?
Are we...?
Are they...?
It's the same thing for the Interrogative Form, but we also must add a verb ending in "-ing" after the subject:
Verb To Be + Subecjt + Verb ending in "-ing" + Complement + ?:
"Am I dreaming? This looks like Heaven!"
"Are you having a good time in here? I hope so."
"Is he working now? Is he gainning his own money?"
"Is she going to the party? Or is she home yet?"
"Is it flying? I can't see it!"
"Are we watching a horror movie? It seems to be comedy!"
"Are they studying Biology in the college?"
You got it?
For some exercises about it, click here.
See you!
Nesse post veremos a última parte do Present Continuous: A Forma Interrogativa!
Clique aqui para reler o último post.
Para formarmos o Verbo To Be na Interrogativa, devemos colocar o verbo na frente do sujeito, e o complemento:
Am I...?
Are you...?
Is he...?
Is she...?
Is it...?
Are we...?
Are they...?
E para formarmos a Forma Interrogativa do Present Continuous, devemos fazer a mesma coisa, mas, depois do sujeito, devemos colocar um verbo com terminação "-ing".
Verbo To Be + Sujeito + Verbo terminando com "-ing" + Compelmento + ?:
"Am I dreaming? This looks like Heaven!"
("Estou sonhando? Isso se parece com o Céu!")
"Are you having a good time in here? I hope so."
("Está se divertindo aqui? Espero que sim.")
"Is he working now? Is he gainning his own money?"
(Ele já está trabalhando? Ele está ganhando o seu próprio dinheiro?")
"Is she going to the party? Or is she home yet?"
("Ele está indo para a festa? Ou ela ainda está em casa?")
"Is it flying? I can't see it!"
("Está voando? Eu não consigo ver!")
"Are we watching a horror movie? It seems to be comedy!"
("Estamos assistindo um filme de terror? Parece ser de comédia!")
"Are they studying Biology in the college?"
("Eles estão estudando Biologia na faculdade?")
Clique aqui para resolver alguns execícios sobre isso.
See you!
October 01, 2010
The Present Continuous - Part II
In this post we're going to see the Negative Form of The Continuous Present.
If you don't remember the Afirmattive Form, click here.
To use the Negative Form, we just add a "not" after the Verb To Be.
I am not
You are not
He is not
She is not
It is not
We are not
They are not
And this is the contracted/shortened form of the verb To Be:
I'm not
You're not/ You aren't
He's not/ He isn't
She's not/ She isn't
It's not/ It isn't
We're not/ We aren't
They're not/ They aren't
To say something in the Negative Form of The Continuous Present, we must use the verb To Be + "not" + a verb ending in "-ing":
"He's not working now."
"They're not telling stories about their past."
"I am not using my computer."
The Continuous Present Tense can be used when you want to talk about something that's happening in the moment you speak.
It's a brief post about Present Continuous...
Nesse post veremos a Forma Negativa do Present Continuous.
Caso não se lembre da Forma Afirmativa, clique aqui.
Para formarmos a Forma Negativa, devemos colocar a palavra "not" depois do Verbo To Be.
I am not
You are not
He is not
She is not
It is not
We are not
They are not
E temos a forma contraída do Verbo To Be:
I'm not
You're not/ You aren't
He's not/ He isn't
She's not/ She isn't
It's not/ It isn't
We're not/ We aren't
They're not/ They aren't
Para formarmos uma frase na Forma Negativa do Present Continuous, devemos colocar o verbo To Be + "not" + mais um verbo com terminação "-ing":
"He's not working now."
("Ele não trabalhando agora.")
"They're not telling stories about their past."
("Eles não estão contando histórias sobre o passado deles.")
"I am not using my computer."
("Eu não estou usando meu computador.")
O Tempo Verbal do Present Continuous pode ser usado quando se quer falar sobre algo que está acontecendo no momento da fala.
Esse é um post curto sobre o Present Continuous...
Para a última parte, clique aqui.
See you!
In this post we're going to see the Negative Form of The Continuous Present.
If you don't remember the Afirmattive Form, click here.
To use the Negative Form, we just add a "not" after the Verb To Be.
I am not
You are not
He is not
She is not
It is not
We are not
They are not
And this is the contracted/shortened form of the verb To Be:
I'm not
You're not/ You aren't
He's not/ He isn't
She's not/ She isn't
It's not/ It isn't
We're not/ We aren't
They're not/ They aren't
To say something in the Negative Form of The Continuous Present, we must use the verb To Be + "not" + a verb ending in "-ing":
"He's not working now."
"They're not telling stories about their past."
"I am not using my computer."
The Continuous Present Tense can be used when you want to talk about something that's happening in the moment you speak.
It's a brief post about Present Continuous...
For the last part, click here.
See you!
Nesse post veremos a Forma Negativa do Present Continuous.
Caso não se lembre da Forma Afirmativa, clique aqui.
Para formarmos a Forma Negativa, devemos colocar a palavra "not" depois do Verbo To Be.
I am not
You are not
He is not
She is not
It is not
We are not
They are not
E temos a forma contraída do Verbo To Be:
I'm not
You're not/ You aren't
He's not/ He isn't
She's not/ She isn't
It's not/ It isn't
We're not/ We aren't
They're not/ They aren't
Para formarmos uma frase na Forma Negativa do Present Continuous, devemos colocar o verbo To Be + "not" + mais um verbo com terminação "-ing":
"He's not working now."
("Ele não trabalhando agora.")
"They're not telling stories about their past."
("Eles não estão contando histórias sobre o passado deles.")
"I am not using my computer."
("Eu não estou usando meu computador.")
O Tempo Verbal do Present Continuous pode ser usado quando se quer falar sobre algo que está acontecendo no momento da fala.
Esse é um post curto sobre o Present Continuous...
Para a última parte, clique aqui.
See you!
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