October 11, 2010

There To Be x To Have

Hi folks!

Hoje iremos aprender a diferença entre o Verbo There To Be e o Verbo To Have. Muitas pessoas costumam dizer, em português, que "tem" um livro sobre a mesa. E essas pessoas diriam em Inglês que "It has" a book on the table. O Verbo To Have, nesse caso, estaria errado, pois esse verbo é usado para indicar posse, geralmente. O jeito certo de falar a frase, então, seria: "There's a book on the table.", entendeu?

My company has 200 employees.
There are 200 employees in my company.

We have a big industry in our town.
There's a big industry in our town.

They don't have any vacancies for you.
There aren't any vacancies for you.

Do you have an easy job to give him?
Is there an easy job to give him.

Verbo To Have indica posse, e Verbo There To Be indica existência.
Verbo To Have:
I have
You have
He has
She has
It has
We have
They have

See you!

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